Mamas Uncut

25 Times Major Brands Offended Folks and Had to Apologize

Despite having PR and marketing teams with healthy budgets, some of America’s biggest brands have been caught up in serious blunders. From tone-deaf campaigns to products that truly insult and offend consumers, there is no shortage of instances when brands totally missed the mark and released items that manage to roundly draw criticism from the public. Mega brands like Target, Walmart, and others have all been the focus of intense backlash after they managed to alienate folks and make the collective soul of this nation do a giant facepalm.

You would think that these brands would have contingencies in place to stop them from royally screwing up, but oftentimes, things get missed in the shuffle and somehow make it onto the market. The ire that these brands have stirred up can often result in items being pulled from the shelves but also investigations mounted by outside entities as consequential as the US Justice Department. If you’ve ever wondered what brands have screwed up the most, you’ve come to the right place. This entire list is triggering so consider yourself warned that the items on it are very offensive and ill-advised.

Calvin Klein’s Wretched ‘Kiddie’ Jeans Campaign


Calvin Klein became the subject of a Justice Department investigation after they released an ad campaign that featured young and underage models in an uncomfortable “casting couch” situation. A camera is set up in what appears to be a basement void of natural light. A voice coaches the various models in a way that will make your skin crawl. Calvin Klein ultimately had to take out a full-page New York Times ad to declare that it wasn’t child pornography. Yikes!

Heineken’s ‘Lighter Is Better’


In 2018, Heineken started using the tagline “sometimes, lighter is better.” While that might seem inoffensive on its face, a 30-second ad featuring the tagline totally offended folks. In the ad, a bartender is shown sliding a beer past three black people to a lighter-skinned woman. That’s very problematic! Many were outraged by the seemingly racist commercial but Chance the Rapper led the charge, calling the ad “terribly racist.” Following the backlash, Heineken removed the ad.

Gucci Flirts With Blackface

25 Times Major Brands Offended Folks and Had to Apologize

In 2019, Gucci pulled a wool balaclava turtleneck sweater after outrage that the garment resembled blackface. Scrutiny over the luxury brand’s misstep grew so intense that it was forced to issue an apology. “Gucci deeply apologizes for the offense caused by the wool balaclava jumper,” the company said at the time. “We consider diversity to be a fundamental value to be fully upheld, respected, and at the forefront of every decision we make.”

Prada’s Turn at Blackface

Gucci was not the only brand that flirted with blackface in recent years. Prada also had to withdraw merchandise following backlash over offensive imagery. For its Pradamalia line, Prada decorated its Manhattan storefront with controversial imagery causing many to wonder how the products ever made it to production in the first place. The brand apologized and promised to step up diversity efforts following the blunder.

Audi’s Car as Woman


When you try and think of a brand that might release something offensive, a car manufacturer is probably not high on your list. However, Audi really stepped in it after releasing an ad in China that finds a couple enjoying their marriage ceremony only to be interrupted by the groom’s mother who “kicks the tires” of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. She inspects the woman’s face by pinching her lips, pulling her ears, and examining her teeth and tongue. She nods in approval following the appraisal and the ad reads, “an important decision must be made carefully.”

Naturally, the public was outraged over the ad that seemed to compare marrying your wife to buying a new car. Not cute!

H&M’s ‘Coolest Monkey in the Jungle’

In early 2018, H&M really messed up the marketing of a hoodie that was emblazoned with the words, “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.” As a hoodie for kids, this hoodie seems pretty benign but when they chose a Black model for the job, things got pretty offensive. Historically, Black people have been dehumanized by comparisons to animals and folks saw the image from H&M as just another example of that racist behavior.

“Our position is simple and unequivocal — we have got this wrong and we are deeply sorry,” H&M said in a press release.

Target and the ‘OCD’ Sweater


In 2022, Target was slammed after releasing a sweater that said “OCD” and instead of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, the brand thought it was a good idea to substitute “Obsessed Christmas Disorder.” It’s a case of one of the biggest American brands missing the mark by trivializing mental illness.

Snapchat’s Misguided Rihanna Ad

Also in 2018, Snapchat released a “would you rather” style post that asked consumers if they would rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown. The post was referencing the 2009 incident when Brown violently assaulted his then-girlfriend Rihanna. How did this even happen? The blunder cost the company big, with Snapchat losing $800 million of its share price. The company apologized and called the incident an “oversight.” We don’t know who needs to hear this but domestic violence is not a game and is anything but trivial.

Dolce & Gabbana & Chopsticks


Yet another luxury fashion brand to face allegations of racism and ethnic stereotyping, Dulce and Gabbana released an ad showing a Chinese model attempting and failing to eat a variety of Italian dishes with chopsticks. People knocked the brand, which is no stranger to controversy, for suggesting that Chinese individuals lacked refinement and an understanding of other cultures.

Ultimately, the ad forced D&G to cancel a Shanghai fashion show that likely cost the brand millions in revenue.

Victoria’s Secret Anti Fat and Anti Trans Stance


Ed Razek, chief marketing officer at Victoria’s Secret parent company, L Brands, said during an interview with Vogue that the retailer has no plans to add larger sizes to its lingerie range. He defended the company’s position, saying “We market to who we sell to, and we don’t market to the whole world.”

As if alienating a large swath of Earth’s population was not enough, Razek also stated that there’s no place for trans models in a Victoria’s Secret show. When asked why the marketing officer said “Because the show is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special.” Naturally, outrage followed.

Razek walked back those statements and Victoria’s Secret hired its first plus-size model in 2019. He stepped down shortly after the hire.

Two years after making the offensive remarks, the New York Times published a piece stating that Razek “presided over an entrenched culture of misogyny, bullying, and harassment.”

Kendall Jenner’s Infamous Pepsi Ad


Following heated protests over police brutality and the killing of unarmed Black people, Pepsi got the bright idea to turn the movement into a commercial. Yes, this giant brand thought it was a good idea to commercialize the Black Lives Matter movement. In the ad, Kendall Jenner embodies the face of the resistance and takes on a sort of white savior role that angered most folks who saw it.

In response, Pepsi pulled the ad and released an apology both for the ad and to Kendall Jenner who had read the script and decided to go along with the project.

Nivea’s White Purity

Nivea / Facebook

If you thought that an advertisement for deodorant couldn’t be offensive, think again. German skincare giant, Nivea, had to backtrack after releasing an ad in 2017 that carried the tagline “white is purity.” The ad implies that whiteness is “pure” while people of color are not “clean and bright.” The ad was talking, we assume, about having lighter underarms as opposed to darker underarms, but this does not take into account the fact that only white folks have white underarms. 

“There have been concerns risen about ethnic discrimination due to a post about Nivea Deodorant Invisible for Black & White on our Nivea Middle East Facebook page,” the company said following the controversy. “We are deeply sorry to anyone who may take offense to this specific post. After realizing that the post is misleading, it was immediately withdrawn.”

It’s the first bad ad from this brand but it’s not the last one on this list. Keep reading to find out what else Nivea screwed up.

Playstation Goes White in Holland


Who knew that an ad for a portable Playstation could go so wrong. In Holland in 2006, SONY purchased a billboard for an ad that said “Playstation Portable, White Is Coming.” The “white” here is a reference to a new ceramic white portable Playstation. We’re not sure how the ad executives at the company managed to bungle this so hard. The ad shows a white woman aggressively grabbing a Black person by the face.

SONY did not apologize despite the ad going viral in the US for all the wrong reasons. Instead, they defended the ad saying it was not offensive to their target audience in Holland. Eventually, SONY caved and removed the billboard.

Burger King’s Seven-Incher

Burger King / Singapore

Burger King drew criticism from consumers after a very, very suggestive ad for a seven-inch sandwich went live in 2009 for the Singapore market. Ask yourself this question: “When was the last time I saw a man portrayed like this in an ad?” The answer is never. This overtly sexist ad takes the marketing adage “sex sells” to a whole new level. The model here had no idea her image would be photoshopped in this way. She called for a boycott of the brand.

RELATED: 25 Canceled Halloween Costumes That Are Beyond Offensive

Intel’s Runners Ad


If you looked at this ad and immediately cringed, congratulations you have eyes. We’re not sure how the marketing team put this ad together without catching the clear slaveholder vibes of it. The ad finds a smug-looking white man standing tall with his arms crossed. He’s flanked by Black runners who seemingly are “bowing down” to him.

“Unfortunately, our execution did not deliver our intended message and in fact proved to be insensitive and insulting,” Intel VP Nancy Bhagat wrote shortly after the ad was pulled.

PETA’s Save the Whales Ad

PETA / Huffpost

PETA really missed the mark with a billboard they purchased encouraging folks to “go vegetarian.” In the ad, a woman’s body is visible in a bathing suit. “Save the Whales: Lose the Blubber,” the ad advises. The implication here is that the woman in the ad is overweight and could lose it by going vegetarian. Yes, PETA really did compare a woman’s body to a whale.

Following backlash, PETA replaced the ad but did not apologize. Instead, they shared a story of a woman who lost weight after going vegetarian. So, don’t worry, no lessons learned here.

McDonald’s ‘You’re Not Alone’ Ad

McDonald’s / USA Today

McDonald’s got in hot water after putting ads on the subway that likened love for a Big Mac sandwich to mental illness. The ad parodies PSA ads that encourage people with mental health issues to get help. “You’re not alone,” it says. “Millions of people love the Big Mac.” The text appears next to a photo of a distressed woman with her face in her hand. It’s never a good idea to trivialize mental health as millions of folks struggle with it in the US every year.

McDonald’s did pull the ad and apologized for it, saying that it was not an approved one and that it had slipped past executives.

Folger’s Got Weird With It


Here’s one of the unintentionally weird and slightly offensive ads Folger’s put out in 2009. The ad finds a brother returning home from Africa who is greeted by his sister. So, what’s wrong? If you watch the ad, you will get some truly off vibes between the brother and sister characters. They seem way too close for comfort. Detractors refer to this commercial as “The Incest Ad.” Is anyone with a pulse working at these brands? We’re not sure how this one made it to air but it’s history now.

Mr. Clean on Mother’s Day

Mr. Clean / QLP

In 2011, Mr. Clean released one of the brand’s most problematic ads ever. “This Mother’s Day get back to the job that really matters,” the ad says above a picture of a woman cleaning with one of the brand’s products. It is offensive because it implies that a mother or woman’s job is to clean the home. Dear Mr. Clean, it’s not 1950 anymore.

Nivea Gets Racist Again

Nivea / Insider

It’s hard to believe but Nivea put out an even more offensive ad before their “white purity” one. In 2011, the geniuses of the marketing team for the brand released an ad of a clean-cut Black man holding a head with natural hair and a beard. “Re-civilize yourself,” the tagline reads. The implication here is that people with facial hair and natural hair are “uncivilized.” If you’re getting big colonizer energy from this ad, you’re not alone.

Nivea apologized for their “unintentionally” offensive ad and removed it from circulation. Ad execs of the world, do not use the word “civilize” period. That’s an easy rule of thumb to follow!

Dove’s Before and After

Dove / Insider

Nivea isn’t the only skincare brand that’s missed the mark. In 2011, Dove released an ad that seemingly showed the before and after effects of a body wash. The ad implies that darker skin tones are “dirty.” The company apologized and pulled the ad but explained that the ad was supposed to show the benefits of the brand’s products for all three of the women in the ad.

Dove Again

Just six years after facing backlash over the “before and after” ad, Dove repeated the same mistake. This time, the brand’s ad shows a Black woman removing her shirt to reveal a white one. The implication here is that a Black woman wanted to transform into a white one so she used Dove. Not a good look!

“An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully,” Dove tweeted of the ad. “We deeply regret the offense it caused.”

Bacardi’s Ugly Girlfriend

Bacardi / Jezebel

In 2009, an ad for Bacardi Breezers rubbed a whole bunch of folks the wrong way. “Wanna look amazing this summer?” the ad asks. “Get your hands on the hotness-boosting accessory now: An Ugly Girlfriend!” Yes, Bacardi released this totally offensive ad that suggests you should get an “ugly” friend to look better by comparison. Broad disgust forced the brand to pull the ad.

Pretzel Crisps Did Not Have the Skinny

Pretzel Crisps / Jezebel

Pretzel Crisps somehow lost its way when they ran this deplorable 2010 ad in New York City. Sure, they were talking about pretzels, but there’s an underlying message here that feels personal, especially with the word “you.” “You can never be too thin,” and “Tastes as good as skinny feels,” the boards say. Actually, you can be too thin! Have the folks at Pretzel Crisps ever heard of an eating disorder?

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Snicker’s ‘You’re Not You When You’re Hungry’ Miss

In 2021, Snickers pulled an ad for its ice cream bars in Spain after backlash and accusations of homophobia. You’re likely familiar with the brand’s long-running “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign. The commercial features Spanish influencer Aless Gibaja ordering at a restaurant, wearing pink, and behaving stereotypically feminine. The waiter looks back, puzzled, and hands Gibaja a Snickers Ice Cream bar. Suddenly, the influencer transforms into a bearded man, before the tagline appears: “You’re not you when you’re hungry.”

“We would like to wholeheartedly apologize for any harm caused by a recent advert for Snickers Ice Cream in Spain. We recognize that we got it wrong and have removed the online content immediately,” the brand announced.

If these ads from huge brands did not offend you, chances are these offensive Halloween costumes will. Here are some truly terrible Halloween costumes that you should under no circumstances ever wear.

Avoid These Canceled Halloween Costumes to Save Yourself from Embarrassment & Ridicule!

A Clansman


Who in their right mind does this? The KKK is a domestic terrorist organization that actively hates, terrorizes, and sews divisions in our country. They’re not a thing of the past. By wearing their dumb sheet costumes, you’re endorsing their mission which is hate. Yes, a clansman is scary. No, it’s never okay. Don’t spread their hideousness with one of the worst canceled Halloween costumes on this list.

Imposter Calaveras


“People need to understand that when they are wearing that Calavera, that it’s not just a mask or something to decorate their face with,” Yreina Cervantez, a Chicano/a studies professor at California State University, Northridge, told the Inquisitr. “What they are wearing is the symbolism of that eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.”

So, unless you were raised in Mexican culture, you should avoid these canceled Halloween costumes as you probably have no idea the significance they hold for others.



“To this day we are still fighting to tell our own stories because minstrelsy is the origination of our cinematic history before we ever had the chance to represent ourselves,” the person who posted this still writes. The image is a still from Birth of a Nation, a horrific film about the rise of the KKK. In the movie, white actors don blackface and act as offensively as possible. Blackface is a disgusting, enraging, hideous, and racist practice that some people still think is perfectly fine. It’s not. It’s never okay.



We eye-rolled so hard when we saw this image. Are you tired of these canceled Halloween costumes yet? Do not wear a crude “terrorist” costume on Halloween. Costumes that equate clothing associated with Middle Eastern culture as “terrorist” outfits perpetuate disparaging stereotypes. They often include items that imply violence, ultimately reducing a diverse group of people down to a single, stereotypical monolith.

Members of the Armed Services


“Sexy soldiers” and civilians in military fatigues are not too nice for the people who served our country. Imagine risking your life and then going to a Halloween party and seeing a costume that belittles that sacrifice. If you want to protest a war, fine! But, do not insult members of the military with your silly, canceled Halloween costumes. It’s not a game for them.

Stereotypes of Asian People


Again, a cultural stereotype does not justify a costume. Costumes of “men from the Orient” were big in the US starting in the 1920s. Hollywood began to crank out movies that vilified Asian men and women and academics now refer to them as Yellow Peril Films. The demand for racist costumes surged at the time. And, apparently, are still being made today despite being roundly condemned as canceled Halloween costumes.



Gaelic boys and men have been wearing kilts in the Highlands of Scotland since before the 16th century. They are made from tartan fabric and symbolize Celtic or Gaelic culture. They’re not funny or novel. That’s someone’s traditional culture you’re mocking with these canceled Halloween costumes.

Voodoo Practitioners


The term “Voodoo” itself is offensive to some with many preferring the alternative term, Vodou. These “voodoo priests” and “priestess” costumes are offensive as they often equate “black magic” and Vodou. That’s not too great for practitioners of the religion who see these canceled Halloween costumes as mocking their spirituality, traditions, and beliefs.

Members of the SS & Nazis


Because a costume is marketed as being from a movie, in this case, Inglourious Basterds, does not make it any less stupid. You’re still dressed as a Nazi if you put on one of these canceled Halloween costumes. Some will argue, “No, this isn’t offensive because I’m so-and-so from the movie and not an actual Nazi.” At the end of the day, you’re dressed as a Nazi which means to many folks that you don’t care about the heinous crimes they committed. Get a grip!



While we’re on the topic… Adolf Hitler is “scary” but not in a way that’s suitable for Halloween. He was a real-life monster who thrust the world into a bloody war and he oversaw the systematic killing of millions of Jews. It’s no laughing matter and you should not dress up as him or else you’ll look like a complete toad.

An Egyptian Deity


The religious and cultural traditions of a group of people have no place as Halloween costumes. Just because marketers put the word “sexy” in front of the name of a costume doesn’t make them less offensive. In fact, the opposite is true. “Sexy Egyptian goddess” costumes and the like are super offensive.

Just Don’t


“Pharaohs, Cleopatra costumes, Nefertiti costumes, anks, etc. is not for white people to wear [sic].” a writer for Bustle notes. “The Ancient Egyptians were basically the only Black, African civilization given any exposure or respect, and even then their blackness is systemically denied.” As with the “Egyptian goddess” costume, all in this class are canceled Halloween costumes.



“Even after ten years in the field of Roma representation and rights, I sometimes wonder: How is it possible to get away with stereotyping the Roma people in such a disparaging way?” Cristiana Grigore wrote for Newsweek. She urges everyone and journalists, in particular, to call out cultural appropriation when they see it. “It takes access to a respected place within mainstream society for Roma and our allies to see that we Roma are still represented by grotesque or exotic Gypsy imagery.”

Appropriated Regalia


Good people often make poor decisions because of a lack of education and empathy. “They blatantly take certain aspects of our culture, race, religion, and use it for their advantage and ignore the people living it,” Glory Ames, co-president of the American Indian Student Association at Minnesota State University Moorhead told the Washington Post. Dreaded feathered headpieces are most certainly canceled Halloween costumes.

Historical Native Figures


“You might think that you’re throwing a nod to a fun character, but you’re actually taking a culture to which you don’t belong and turning it into a whimsical costume,” Madeleine Aggeler wrote for Bustle. “And without knowing the full sordid history behind such stories, your costume could be at most violent and at least painfully ignorant.”

Mexican Individuals


“Disgusted and appalled!” the person who found this costume captioned the image. “How the ???? is this still a thing in 2020? Found this in between a squirrel costume, and a cactus costume, you know, silly things to actually be for Halloween. Who would think that such a racist caricature of a Mexican man was a great idea for a costume? My culture isn’t some plaything to be bought, and worn for your amusement for one night. The Sombrero and Serape are beautiful aspects of my people and is not something to be mocked.”

Confederate Soldiers


We didn’t think we needed to say this, but it’s America in 2021, so… Do not dress as a soldier of the confederate army. They fought to uphold slavery and nearly broke our country. They also lost the Civil War. If you wear a costume to “honor” them, you’re really just a loser. A good rule of thumb is that any type of soldier costumes are canceled Halloween costumes.

RELATED: 15 DIY Halloween Costumes That Are So Much Better Than Store-Bought

The Coronavirus


COVID-19 is scary, but that doesn’t mean you should make light of it with a costume. You’re wearing a costume that represents a cause of death for 700,000 people and counting in the US and over 5 million worldwide. It’s not cute or cheeky. It’s just sad. Don’t make light of a global pandemic with one of these should-be canceled Halloween costumes!



In a piece titled “All You Know About Ninjas Is Wrong,” Brian Ashcraft argues that Japanese ninjas were more akin to intelligence professionals like you’d find at the CIA than actual assassins. “Those black suits. Those weapons. Martial arts. The image of the ninja is rooted more in fiction than fact. Everything you think you know is probably more ‘wrong’ than ‘right,'” he argues. So, don’t be in the wrong with one of these canceled Halloween costumes.

Incarcerated Individuals


Unless you’re prepared to talk at length about criminal justice reform, do not wear a prison jumpsuit as they really should be considered canceled Halloween costumes. Whether you’ve been to prison or not depends a lot on class, race, and privilege. Not everyone has had a fair shake. If you’re out wearing a prison jumpsuit on Halloween, you’re essentially saying that you don’t care.

Muslim Individuals


A burqa, hijab, or turban does not belong on your body on Halloween if you don’t wear one year-round. These coverings are important religious, cultural, and traditional symbols that shouldn’t be ridiculed. Don’t even think about wearing one of these highly offensive canceled Halloween costumes.

People Experiencing Homelessness


How did this get costume even made? Who thought it would be a good idea to create a costume of a stereotype of a homeless person? Thousands of people slip into poverty and homelessness every year. And now, with the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, it’s even harder for folks to get by. Don’t insult someone’s suffering with canceled Halloween costumes that caricature pain.



Reader, did your jaw just hit the floor. “Who would buy this for their child?” the person who found this terrible costume wrote. We wonder the exact same thing! This is the costume equivalent of the movie, The Help. This is an insult to just about all people, somehow. Women, black women, Black people, working-class people, and actually the concept of fashion should all be outraged.

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Geisha Costumes


“Why are ‘the other’ and ‘the exotic’ such sources of enjoyment and pleasure that they’ve become Halloween staples?” Washington State University’s David Leonard said. “What does it tell us,” he asks, “that amid all these scary things of ghosts and witches, we also have all these racialized costumes?” It’s a great sentiment that you should keep in mind to distinguish canceled Halloween costumes.

“Dragon Lady”


“Found an original Collegeville ‘Dragon Lady’ costume yesterday,” the individual who stumbled on this costume wrote. “This stereotype cast Asian women as mysterious deceitful and domineering, often enslaving and trafficking whites at opium dens.”

This costume was originally manufactured in the sixties. It was offensive then and 60 years later, it’s even worse. Don’t wear a stereotype, people! These are definitely canceled Halloween costumes!

Now you know which canceled Halloween costumes are the most controversial and offensive. Getting dressed up for Halloween should be a fun experience and you can find a perfect costume without offending others. It’s all about putting yourself into someone else’s shoes. If those shoes tread on a racist path, you better rethink your Halloween costume idea.

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