Mamas Uncut

26 Lunchbox Notes for Kids Ideas

Sending your child off to school for several hours a day is bittersweet. You want them to grow academically and personally but you still might be missing them. Lunchbox notes for kids are a great way to remind your little one that they are loved. While they are old enough for class, they’re never too old for you to shower them with positive energy. Post-it notes are the standard lunchbox notes for kids and sticking one with a sweet message to a bagged sandwich is always a great idea.

Positive reinforcement helps build a child’s self-esteem and heartfelt and supportive notes are a great way to do that. A simple “I love you” will do but what are some other things to put on lunchbox notes for kids? We’ve got plenty of ideas to share with you that your kid(s) will absolutely appreciate and love. Discover them below!

Find the Best Lunchbox Notes for Kids Ideas to Let Your Little One Know You’ve Got Their Back.

Recount a Happy Memory

Lunchbox Notes for Kids

One of the best things to write on lunchbox notes for kids is a happy memory that the two of you have shared. It could be from that very morning or even something from when your child was so young they might not remember! Kids love hearing about themselves so they’ll particularly like this gesture.

Cut the Note Into Fun Shapes

Before writing your note, consider cutting into a fun shape like a star or even an animal. You can then decorate the shape or ask your kid to. This is especially great for younger children and perfect for those who aren’t reading yet.

Build On a Narrative

Tell a story with your lunchbox notes for kids. Each day, write a new “chapter” of a story for your child to enjoy. Make the story about something that interests your child and they will open their lunchbox in anticipation each day as the story you’ve crafted unfolds.

Write a Message of Encouragement

Tell your child just how great they are with lunchbox notes for kids. An encouraging message about a recent achievement or a great quality they’ve recently exhibited will be most welcome at lunchtime.

Draw Their Favorite Characters

If your child has a favorite cartoon or superhero, or anything of the sort, draw them on a note. Your kid will be deleted to find their favorite pals showing up on notes.

Share a Motivational Quote

Inspirational and motivational quotes are excellent for lunchbox notes for kids. We, at Mamas Uncut, have done several lists with quotes that you can pull from. Funny Family Quotes, Life Is Short Quotes, Good Morning Quotes, and Disney Quotes are all excellent options for you to explore.

Give Very Specific Compliments

What’s something that your child has done well recently? Compliment them on their great job. Further, tell them how much you like things about them like their creativity, passion, drive, competitiveness, etc.

A Note and a Sensory Object

Especially for young children and those who get the most from other forms of communication, sensory objects along with your lunchbox notes for kids are a good idea. This can be a cotton ball or a popsicle stick dipped in essential oil or a fidget toy.

Include or Create a Game

Create a little word search or just send a page for one along with their lunch. Think of engaging games that your kid enjoys. Further, you can create a game that they can easily play. For instance, tell them to find three green objects and write them down in a sort of “I Spy” that they can share with you later.

Write a Poem

If you’ve got the gift of rhyme, consider writing cute little poems for your child. The poem can be about the food you packed, your kid, their school, anything goes.

Better Yet, Write a Haiku

If your child has learned about haiku in school, you can write them one that they’ll enjoy while they snack. A reminder: a haiku consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. You’ll have fun and they will too.

Draw a Silly Picture

Create a character for your child and draw little mini-comics on your lunchbox notes for kids. Doodles will work as well.

Scavenger Hunts

For each of your lunchbox notes for kids, include a hint or a clue about a certain object. They will be able to think about the clue until they get home in the afternoon. Then, they must search and find the hidden object. It can be a little prize or snack.

Tell a Joke

Inject some humor into your child’s day with a joke they can enjoy with their lunch. Lunchbox notes for kids that tell jokes are great because they encourage your child to share the joke with their peers. Fun for all! We’ve made a list of 300 jokes for you to find the perfect ones to put on a note!

RELATED: 300 Jokes For Kids That Are Funny

Non-Scary Monster Creation

You can easily draw a funny monster for your child but what’s more fun is for you to start a drawing and ask your little one to finish it. Draw a body without arms or legs and encourage your child to complete it.

Share Current Events

You can keep your little one apprised of the world around them by sharing a recent event. This could be a new development in your community, a world event, a medical discovery, an archeological discovery, etc.

Trivia Questions

This is fun for all kids but it’s really a blast as your kids get older. Write a new trivia question each day and find out what answer they arrived at when they get home.

Tell Them to Make a List of Gratitude

What is your little one thankful for today? Ask your child to write three things that they are grateful for each day. You can give a prompt like “what things are you grateful for with your family?” Or “who or what are you thankful for about school?”

Send a Photo Or Write on One

Send a little photo along with your kid’s lunch. It’s a sweet gesture that will hopefully conjure a fond memory. You can decorate or write on it. It just depends on how much time you’ve got and how crafty you are.

Write It On Colorful Napkins or Paper

A classic thing that many of our parents did that still rocks today is to write the note on a colorful napkin or piece of paper. The napkin is the most classic following the trusty post-it note.

Make It Seasonal

Think about upcoming holidays or special things about the season to tell your kid about. It can be a countdown to a holiday or a fun fact about it. It’s great to switch up your lunchbox notes for kids every once and a while and a seasonal change makes for a great excuse.

Print Off a Cute Design

There are many pre-designed lunchbox notes for kids out there. You can easily print them off for something colorful and exciting. The Spruce has a bunch of really cute ones available for free.

Make a Wish on Their Behalf

What are you wishing your kid will get out of the day ahead. Maybe it’s a victory of a team they are on or even that they smile often. Just make wishes that are heartfelt and let your little one that you’ve got their best interest in mind, even before they do in some cases.

Send Them a New Sticker Each Day

Who doesn’t love stickers? You can put a sticker on their notes or send a sticker for them to wear each day. Maybe they’ll even share them with friends.

Ask Them to Solve a Riddle

Similar to jokes, riddles make for excellent lunchbox notes for kids as they encourage your child to share the riddle with others. With the help of some friends, they can all solve it together and then report back to you later with the answer.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 160 Fun Riddles for Kids to Solve

Tell a Reason You Love Them

One of the sweetest and easiest things you can write your note about is how much you love them. You can give a new reason each day. As kids are endlessly lovable, you’ll find this one to be rewarding for the both of you.

There you go! Now you have plenty of ideas for those lunchbox notes for kids. Positive reinforcement is a most powerful tool for parents to employ to build a child’s self-esteem. You can easily affirm your child with a sweet note every day.

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