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25 Glowing Lunar Baby Names Inspired by the Moons in Our Solar System

Sure, you know and love names like Luna, Selene, Artemis, and Diana, but what other lunar baby names are out there? We turned to lunar names belonging to actual moons in our Solar System for inspiration. Luckily, there are dozens of lunar names for the satellites of planets. For instance, Uranus has 27! Most lunar names are inspired by Greek mythology, but others have come from such inspiration as Shakespeare. That leaves us with a rich bench of names to choose from, each with a storied reputation and many with beguiling meanings.

Lunar names vary in their accessibility. Some are fairly easy to use; we’re looking at you, Elara, Portia, and Atlas. While others can be a bit trickier for Americans to pronounce. You will have to decide what is the best fit for your family. Now, most of the lunar names out there are decidedly feminine, while others are gender-neutral, and a handful are masculine in nature. If you’re looking for exciting lunar names, you have come to the right place. Find the best one for your little one below.

Callisto (Moon of Jupiter)

Lunar Baby Names

In Greek mythology, Callisto, a nymph coveted by Zeus, was turned into a bear by Hera, becoming the Great Bear (Ursa Major) constellation. The Greek root of the name means “most beautiful.”

Elara (Moon of Jupiter)

As with so many of these names, Elara can be found in Greek mythology. Elara was a lover of Zeus who gave birth to a giant. The meaning of this name is disputed and some claim it’s “cheerful” while others suggest it is
“mother’s love.”

Portia (Moon of Uranus)

Portia is an inner satellite of Uranus, discovered in 1986. A beloved name by Shakespeare, who used the name for more than one character, Portia is of Latin origin and means “pig” or “doorway.” The name has never been a wildly popular one in the US, but its fortunes could change.

Thebe (Moon of Jupiter)

Thebe rhymes with Phoebe, and despite the popularity of the latter name, Thebe has never been a popular choice. In Greek myth, the name belongs to more than one daughter of Zeus. Thebe is the fourth of Jupiter’s moons by distance from the planet.

Eirene (Moon of Jupiter)

Eirene is a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter. The name belonged to the Greek goddess and embodiment of peace. Today, you will more commonly see the name spelled Irene. Both share the same root, meaning “peace.”

Atlas (Moon of Saturn)

The son of a Titan in ancient myth, Atlas carries the world on his shoulders. So many of these lunar names are for girls, so it is refreshing to finally meet one for baby boys (though you could probably get away with using it for a daughter as well). Atlas, the moon of Saturn, was discovered in 1980. Atlas’ meaning comes from myth, meaning “bearer of the heavens.”

Eupheme (Moon of Jupiter)

Eupheme is a moon of Jupiter that is 2 km in diameter. Eupheme is a variant of the Greek name Euphemia (Eupheme preceded Euphemia) that means “sweet speech.” Eupheme was the ancient Greek deity of words of good omen, praise, acclaim, triumphant shouts, and applause.

Calypso (Moon of Saturn)

According to myth, Calypso was a nymph who seduced Odysseus and held him on her island for several years. The Greek root of this name means “she who hides.” This name is technically unisex, but it is more common for girls. That’s not to say the name has ever been truly popular in the US.

Arche (Moon of Jupiter)

Arche is a moon of Jupiter discovered in 2002. In Greek mythology, Arche was the muse associated with sources. Thus, the name is taken to mean “beginning.” Arche’s correct pronunciation is AR-key. This would be a bold choice for American parents as it will no doubt be confused with Archie.

Pandora (Moon of Saturn)

We all know about Pandora’s box! Pandora was too curious and opened a forbidden box that unleashed all of the world’s evils. In fact, her only flaw was curiosity, as she was perfect in every other way. Thus, the name means “all gifted.”

Cressida (Moon of Uranus)

A hero of the Trojan War according to myth, Cressida also names a moon of Uranus. This lunar name is of Greek origin and means “gold.” Cressida has never been a popular choice for baby girls in the US but we feel it has endless potential.

Aitne (Moon of Jupiter)

Aitne is one of the moons of Jupiter, named for a nymph that Zeus beguiled. In Greek mythology, Aitne was the daughter of Oceanus. It is from her name that the Sicilian volcano Mt Etna gets its name. The proper pronunciation of this name is EYE-t-nee. But most Americans will want to say Aye-tnah.

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Charon (Moon of Pluto)

Charon is the largest of the five known natural satellites of the dwarf planet Pluto. In Greek mythology, the name belongs to the man who ferries souls to the underworld. So, a touch morose. The root of this name means “of keen gaze.” The Greek pronunciation of the name is with a hard K, but most astronomers pronounce the name with a “sh” beginning.

Triton (Moon of Neptune)

Triton is the largest natural moon of the planet Neptune and was the first Neptunian moon to be discovered. It is the only large moon in the Solar System that rotates in an opposite direction than the planet it satellites. The Greek god Triton was the messenger of the ocean and the son of the sea god Neptune. Due to its association with mythology, the name is taken to mean “sea god.”

Thalassa (Moon of Neptune)

Thalassa is the ancient personification of the sea, specifically the Mediterranean. It is this association that gives the name its meaning: “the sea.” Thalassa is the second-innermost satellite of Neptune, and it was discovered in 1991. Despite being a beautiful name, it has never been on American parents’ radars.

Oberon (Moon of Uranus)

Oberon is the outermost major moon of Uranus. It is the second-largest and second-most massive of the Uranian moons. It’s the ninth most massive moon in the Solar System. Oberon is named after the mythical king of the fairies, who appears in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Oberon is more common for boys but it is technically a unisex option. The name is of English origin and means “noble” or “like a bear.”

Dione (Moon of Jupiter)

This moon of Jupiter is named after the Titaness Dione, mother of Aphrodite, of Greek mythology. Dione is also spelled Dionne, but we prefer the singular N options. The Greek root of Dione means “divine queen.” Dione is also considered a French name (still from Greek!) for boys, a form of Dionysius, meaning “god of Nysa.”

Amalthea (Moon of Jupiter)

Amalthea is a moon of Jupiter. It has the third closest orbit around Jupiter among known moons and was the fifth moon of Jupiter to be found, so it is also known as Jupiter V. In Greek mythology, Amalthea names a goat-nymph who nursed the newborn Zeus and shielded him from his murderous father, Cronus. Amalthea’s Greek root means “tender goddess.”

Ganymede (Moon of Jupiter)

Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter, is the most massive of the Solar System’s moons. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was a Trojan youth who was so attractive that he was hauled off to be Zeus’ cup-bearer and made immortal. Ganymede is of Greek origin and has a couple of potential meanings: “to be glad,” “happy thought,” and “to plan.”

Titan (Moon of Saturn)

Titan is the biggest moon of Saturn and the second-largest natural satellite in the Solar System. In Greek mythology, Titans are immortal giants who are particularly powerful in shaping the world. The Greek root of this name means “defender.” This lunar appellation is a lot for a child to shoulder, but we see the potential.

Rosalind (Moon of Uranus)

Rosalind is an inner moon of Uranus. It was named after the daughter of the banished Duke in William Shakespeare’s play As You Like It. Rosalind’s origin is murky as it could have potentially originated in Latin, Spanish, or English. The name is taken to mean “pretty rose.” The name was once popular in the US, but it fell from fashion in the late 1970s. It’s time for a comeback.

Cordelia (Moon of Uranus)

Cordelia is the innermost known moon of Uranus. This lunar name was inspired by King Lear’s only sympathetic daughter in Shakespeare’s King Lear. Some argue that this name originated in Latin, meaning “heart.” Others say the name is of Celtic coinage, meaning “daughter of the sea.” Cordelia was once popular in the US before the 1950s. It will likely become a popular choice again as more parents turn to it.

Io (Moon of Jupiter)

Io is one of the largest moons of Jupiter (just slightly larger than Earth’s moon). Two-letter names are extremely rare, which makes Io a unique choice. In Greek mythology, Io suffers a tragic fate, being attacked by Zeus. To free herself, she transforms into a cow. The name likely means “violet flower.”

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Larissa (Moon of Neptune)

This lunar name comes from Larissa, a lover of Neptune in Greek mythology. We find Larissa to be one of the most beautiful lunar names ever. The Greek root means “citadel.” Larissa has been a mildly popular option in the US since the 1960s, and we hope more and more parents continue to turn to it.

What did you think of these lunar baby names? We hope you found them to be as exciting as we did. If you would like even more space-inspired names, keep reading. We’ve got dozens more to share with you.

Shoot for the Stars with These Marvelous Names Meaning Moon!


The Sinhalese name, Nikini, from Sri Lanka might look like the word “bikini” to you, but this name sounds more “Nick in me.” So, NIK-inn-ie is the correct pronunciation which might throw some folks off! However, Nikini means “full moon in August.”


Pronounced, meh-LIN-oh-ee, Melinoe is a curious name that means “color of quince.” According to Nameberry, Melinoe in Greek mythology is a moon goddess related to Hecate. She was thought to bring nightmares and illness, hence the name’s meaning. The yellowish-green color of quince fruit was a symbol of sickness. A slightly dark origin story for this name, but a moon goddess name nonetheless.


Another name from Greek mythology, Larissa means “citadel.” According to myth, Larissa was a nymph fathered by Pegasus. In 1991, the name was applied to a moon of Neptune. So, it can be considered among the other names meaning moon on our list.


Pronounced, ESS-mer-eye, the Turkish name Esmeray means “dark moon.” If you’re after a name for girls with the most mysterious of meanings, this appellation will be perfect for you!


We mentioned Hecate earlier and now we’d like to tell you more about this Greek moon goddess. She is considered a goddess of witchcraft, night, and ghosts. A somewhat creepy figure in ancient myth, Hecate would make for a notable baby name today.


Ariel comes from the same Hebrew root as Ari and means “lion of God.” While not expressly one of the names meaning moon, Ariel names on of the major moons of Uranus.


A cross-cultural name found in use in many languages, Amaris is considered to mean “promised by God,” in Hebrew tradition and “child of the moon” in Spanish. Other possible meaning of this name include “grace,” “tribe,” and “immortal.”


In German, Bader is considered a name for boys that means “barber.” But, in Arabic tradition, Bader is a name for girls meaning “full moon.”


A popular Egyptian name for boys, Badru, grew so beloved over the years that it is now also widely used for baby girls as well. Badru means “born during the full moon.”


The Roman deity Diana is the goddess of the moon and hunting. This Latin name means “divine.” Although Diana is the goddess of the hunt she is still considered a protecter of wildlife.


This name was used exclusively as a name for girls until modernity when it now is being given to both boys and girls today. Artemis is essentially the precursor for Diana and is also the goddess of the moon and hunting. The name means “butcher,” but that’s not stopping parents from choosing it. It landed in the US top 1000 most popular names for girls for the first time in 2020.

Keep Reading to Learn About Even More Names Meaning Moon!


The name of Saturn’s largest moon that has the potential to sustain human life, Titan would make for a distinctive choice for a baby boy. In fact, parents have propelled the name to popularity and it’s been widely favored over the last decade. Titan means “defender.”


Son of Zeus, Apollo is the Greek god of music, medicine, and poetry. Apollo’s Greek root means “destroyer.” As all moon fans know, Apollo 11 became the first manned mission to land on the moon.


The astronomer Simon Marius named the largest moon of Jupiter Io in 1614. The name was adopted from the Greek myth in which Io names a princess who was taken by Zeus. She turns into a cow to escape him. Io means “moon of Jupiter” today.


The English name Monday comes from Old English mona dæg or Mōnandæg which translates to “moon’s day” or “day of the moon.” That’s enough to make you love Mondays! We think Monday makes for a unique name with plenty of character.

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What would a list of names meaning moon be without the mega-popular appellation Luna? Luna originates in Latin and means “moon.” The name was given to a Roman goddess of the moon. Luna is one of the most popular names for girls in the US today!


One of the prettiest Greek goddess names, Selene comes from a Greek word related to “light” and means “moon goddess.” According to myth, Helios the sun god is the brother of Selene.


Jericho names an ancient Palestinian city that is mentioned in the Bible. It comes from Hebrew roots that mean “moon.” This name has traditionally been given to boys but it can go to girls as well!


The Turkish name for girls Aylin means “moon halo.” It’s top 500 name in the US today! We imagine it’s one of the most romantic names meaning moon on this list. Moon halo? Fabulous!


Jacira is a baby name for girls from Brazil, according to ScaryMommy. The name comes from the indigenous Tupi people and means “moon honey.” Is this the best name for your honeymoon baby? You bet!


One of the most beautiful names meaning moon, Elara likely comes from the same Greek word that gives us areal. Elara names one of the moons of Jupiter.


Mahina comes from Hawaiian mythology and names a moon goddess who escaped to the moon after her beauty made her irresistible on Earth. This is one of the most colorful names meaning moon on this list!


Name to an X-ray observatory and telescope, Chandra has Sanskrit origins and is a Hindu Moon-god. This name is used for both boys and girls but thanks to its “a” ending, it predominately goes to girls in the west.


Another Hindu moon deity, Deva also comes from Sanskrit origin. The name means “radiance” or simply, “moon goddess.” We imagine this divine name would be thoroughly enjoyed by parents in the US today.


Mona is an Irish Gaelic name that means “noble good” or an Italian shortened form of Madonna, meaning “my lady.” The name also has roots in the same Old English word for “moon” that gives us the name Monday.


Pronounced kah-MAR, Qamar is a delightful name for boys from Arabic that means “moon.” Qamar’s got the lovable qualities of Omar but it’s far rarer in the US today.

Learn Even More Names Meaning Moon


Another one of the names meaning moon, Chandni is widely used for girls in India and South Asia today. We think it sounds fashionable and charming!


An absolutely gorgeous Turkish name for boys, Koray means “ember moon.” The name, with its poetic meaning, is extremely popular in Turkey and Germany today!


A name traditionally given to little boys, we feel that Luan could work well for girls as well. The Polynesian roots of the name mean “moon.” However, you will found an identical name in Albanian that means “lion.” In Gaelic, the name means “hound.”


Celimene is a heavenly name for girls adopted into French from Latin and ultimately Greek before that. The name means “heavenly strength” or “moon.” The name is most familiar to most Americans as it appeared in the French comedy of manners,  Le Misanthrope ou l’Atrabilaire amoureux, or The Misanthrope, or the Cantankerous Lover. Her character really loved to talk behind people’s backs but don’t let that stop you!


According to Nameberry, the name Altalune is an invented name comprised of Latin roots that mean “over the moon.” Uma Thurman and Arpad Busson created the name and used it as a middle name for their daughter.


In Greek mythology, Phoebe is another name for Artemis, a goddess of the moon we already shared with you. The name means “shining one.”

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Ayla is an increasingly popular name in the US today and it’s tracking to crack the US top 100 by 2022. The name can be found in Hebrew and Turkish meaning “oak tree,” “halo,” and “moonlight.” Who could be mad at any of that? It’s one of the fastest-rising names meaning moon today. Look out, Luna!

There you go! We hope you learned more names meaning moon than when you started this list and that you will consider using one of these gorgeous appellations from around the world for your baby! Baby names meaning moon offer such much warmth and poetry. Shine on!

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