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Lucy Letby Trial: After 10 Months in Court, Letby is Found Guilty of Murdering 7 Infants; Attempting to Murder 6 Others

Lucy Letby Trial: After 10 Months in Court, Letby is Found Guilty of Murdering 7 Infants; Attempting to Murder 6 Others

via YouTube (BBC News)

After 10 months of gruesome details and disturbing evidence, Lucy Letby – a former neonatal nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital in Chester, England – was found guilty of murdering seven infants and attempting to murder another six infants. In total, she was found guilty of 14 of the 22 charges against her. 

She was originally charged with attempting to murder another four babies, but the 11-person jury was undecided on those charges. The trial began on October 10, 2022 and the jury returned its final verdicts on Friday (August 18). She’s due for sentencing in Manchester Crown Court on Monday (August 21). 

“Lucy Letby was entrusted to protect some of the most vulnerable babies. Little did those working alongside her know that there was a murderer in their midst. She did her utmost to conceal her crimes, by varying the ways in which she repeatedly harmed babies in her care,” prosecutors wrote in a statement.

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While working in the neonatal ward of the Countess of Chester Hospital, Lucy Letby was entrusted with caring for babies who were in need of extra care following birth. Unfortunately, the hospital started to experience an unusual increase in unexplained deaths and collapses of babies between 2015 and 2016.

It wasn’t until June 2016 that the hospital started noticing a disturbing trend – those deaths and collapses seemed to only happen during Letby’s shifts. When she was working, the deaths/collapses increased. When she wasn’t working, the deaths/collapses increased. She was fired from the hospital in June 2016. 

At the time, she wasn’t arrested and wasn’t charged with anything. As the investigation continued, all signs started pointing towards Letby being the one behind the deaths/collapses. She was arrested in 2018 and 2019 as suspicions grew, but it wasn’t until her 2020 arrest that she was formally charged. 

“She harmed babies, in an environment which should have been safe for them and their families. Parents were exposed to her morbid curiosity and her fake compassion. Too many of them returned home to empty baby rooms. Many surviving children live with permanent consequences,” prosecutors continued.

When Lucy Letby Failed, She Would Try Again

During the 10-month trial, prosecutors detailed the horrific and gruesome methods Lucy Letby used to ensure these innocent babies never saw the light of day. They detailed each murder and each attempted murder in great detail to ensure everyone in the court knew just how horrid and grisly her crimes were. 

Some of the methods used included injecting air, milk fluids, and even insulin into the infant’s stomach or bloodstream. In some cases, it would lead to immediate death. In other cases, the baby survived – just to have Letby try again. One child, known as Child I, survived three times before dying on her fourth attempt.

Not only that, but Letby proceeded to send the family a sympathy card – a copy of which was shown in court. “There are no words to make this time any easier. It was a real privilege to care for [the child] and get to know you as a family — a family who always put [child] first and did everything possible for her.”

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Investigators also found Post-It notes at her home, which showed a mixture of confessions about the crimes and ‘protestations of innocence,’ where she tried to justify her wrongdoings. Now that she has been found guilty, the parents will soon learn her sentence as they continue the mourning process.

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