Mamas Uncut

I’m Running Low on Formula and Will Run Out Before My Next Paycheck Clears: Are There Any Safe Formula Substitutions I Can Use?

A mom writes in asking for advice about formula. She says she is running low on formula for her 3-month-old son. She has enough to get him through the night but won’t have any for the next day. Unfortunately, she will not receive her paycheck until later and must therefore go without buying formula until she receives her money. She wants to know if there are any safe formula substitutions she can use to help in the meantime or if there are any resources she could use to secure formula for free.

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A member of the community asks:

“What can I do if I am low on formula?”

“I am low on the formula for my 3-month-old son. I have enough to make it through the night but won’t have any for tomorrow, and my paycheck doesn’t hit my account until tomorrow night. Are there any safe substitutions I can use to keep him fed or any resources to help me get formula until I can get paid and get to the store?

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Running Low on Formula and Is Wondering if There Are Any Safe Substitutions

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I'm Running Low on Formula and Will Run Out Before My Next Paycheck Clears: Are There Any Safe Formula Substitutions I Can Use?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“This is a very old recipe that was used before formula, was widely used. You might have these things in your pantry… The quantities have changed somewhat because cans of evaporated milk, are now only 12 oz. 1 can of Evaporated milk (12 oz) mixed with (18 oz) water that has been previously been boiled and 2 Tablespoons of Karo corn syrup or white sugar.”

“WIC wouldn’t cover my son’s formula so when we were short on funds and low on formula I would call his doctor and they would give me a 6-pack of 8-oz powder formula for him. It would last a few days for him.”

“Call your pediatrician they should have some samples you can have! Also you can try a food bank some have formula ever now and then, good luck I hope you find some!”

“Ask on a local buy nothing group, there are usually mom groups like this too. Someone should have something.”

“Do you have a pregnancy center or food bank? They can often point you in the right direction.”

“Try a local food bank, they might have formula. Sign up for WIC so this doesn’t happen in the future. Sell something, beg your family for money, do whatever it takes to get that baby fed. That’s what I would do.”

“Ask your pediatricians office! My son’s kept sending us home with cans because they kept some on hand for mothers in similar situations but they had an excess and they didn’t want it to expire.”

“Check with local pediatricians/hospitals if they have a sample that you can get. If that doesn’t work, call around to churches and/or local food banks. There should be someone in the area to help! If you’re in/near Genesee county Michigan pm me and I can help.”

“Carnation can milk. Pour it to 3oz. N top it off with water. He won’t get sick or anything. It will help when your down and out.”

“No. Are you on WIC? Also, check into a Planned Parenthood or a Motherhood/pregnancy clinic in your area, they should be able to help.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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