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Looking For a Fun Summer Activity To Do With the Kids? Go On a Plant Discovery Mission

As a mother of three, and a Holistic Health Coach, I am always looking for outdoor adventures to keep my kids occupied and entertained during the summer. My girls love the outdoors and being in nature, and last year we discovered a 6-week herbal walk program for kids to discover the benefits of plants and more.

We live in Massachusetts and we found an amazing local herbalist, Kylee Foote out of Gloucester, MA, that led these fun programs. Please consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.

kids walk nature plant herb

Here are some fun ideas that involve being outside and learning about plants, flowers, and herbs.

Do some research and see if there is anyone in your area that leads herb walks. It is really fun for the kids to learn about the plants. Last summer we learned that if you are camping or hiking and you scrape your knee or get a bug bite you can use the plant “plantain” to help heal it.

The plantain leaves help with skin irritation and wounds because it contains a compound, called allantoin, that soothes the skin and enables the growth of healthy tissues. Press your nail into the leaf so the juice comes out. Then rub the leaf on your wound.


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Before you go on a hike or walk download, a Plant Finding App. Then when you are hiking you can scan a picture of the plant or flower and the app database identifies the name and plant species. Here are the Top 5 Best plant identification apps

These can be found in your backyard, growing between cracks in the pavement, or in a park. Many people look at these plants and think of them as “weeds” but they actually have many therapeutic and beneficial medicinal properties. 


Red Clover

Red clover can help with respiratory, skin problems, and hormonal health for both women and men. You will recognize it by the chevron patterns on its leaves and its purple flower. Here is an interesting article on some of the benefits of Red Clover + How to Use It.


St. John’s Wort

St. Johns Wort can help with depression, anxiety, and digestion. Often found near sidewalks, you will recognize it by its bright yellow flowers. Here is an interesting article describing some of the benefits.


Burdock Leaves and Root

Burdock can help with diabetes and liver support. Burdock leaves can grow to be very large and when it flowers you will see purple prickly flowers that stick to you like burrs. Here is an interesting article describing some of the benefits.


Dandelion Leaves and Root

Dandelion can help with digestion and is high in antioxidants to support the immune system. Dandelions are probably the most well-known and common “weed”. They are often seen growing through the cracks in concrete. That’s one powerful plant. Think about its power in your digestive tract. Here is an interesting article describing some of the benefits.


Plantain Leaves

Plantain can help with wounds & skin irritations. As I mentioned above it is great for scrapes and cuts. Here’s an interesting article on the benefits of 8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Plantain.


If you want to find out about more easy to find herbs, here is a great article on medicinal herbs to look for with descriptions and pictures. Have fun on your plant exploration. But as always, please consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.

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