Women’s Health

Doctors Find First US Child With COVID-19-Triggered Disease

Doctors Shocked To Discover 6-Month-Old Was First US Child To Suffer Alarming COVID-19-Triggered, Inflammatory Disease

Just last week, UK doctors began warning health officials across the globe of an “inflammatory-like disease” that was appearing in children and believed to be brought on by the coronavirus.

Doctors Shocked To Discover 6-Month-Old Was First US Child To Suffer Alarming COVID-19-Triggered, Inflammatory Disease Read More »

I'm 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice?

I’m 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about finding support during her pregnancy. She says she is 15 weeks pregnant, and though she is with the father of the child, he is currently injured and unable to help with many of the things she needs help with. She has health concerns as well, along with housing and financial issues. What can she do? Who can she turn to?

I’m 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice? Read More »

Kylie Jenner Calls Stretch Marks "Gifts" On Instagram

Kylie Jenner Dawns Stretch Marks On Instagram: “I Haven’t Gotten Rid Of Them; Just Accepted Them As A Little Gift From Stormi”

If you have seen any one of the Kardashian’s – then you know without a doubt, the sister-stars seem to always be captured in the most perfect picture way, including Kylie Jenner.

Kylie Jenner Dawns Stretch Marks On Instagram: “I Haven’t Gotten Rid Of Them; Just Accepted Them As A Little Gift From Stormi” Read More »

Adele's Personal Trainer Comes to the Singer Defense After Her Physical Transformation Results in People Shaming Her Weight Loss

Adele’s Personal Trainer Comes to the Singer Defense After Her Physical Transformation Results in People Shaming Her Weight Loss

“It was never about getting super skinny. It was about getting her healthy” for herself, her career, specifically for her tour that was coming up, and for her son.

Adele’s Personal Trainer Comes to the Singer Defense After Her Physical Transformation Results in People Shaming Her Weight Loss Read More »

Beyonce and Her Mom Tina Knowles Share Mother's Day Messages to Each Other on Social Media, Tina Gets Family Together After They All Got Test for COVID-19

Beyonce and Her Mom Tina Knowles Share Mother’s Day Messages to Each Other on Social Media, Tina Gets Family Together After They All Got Test for COVID-19

“Happy Mother’s Day to a phenomenal Mom! She lets me know that I did something right in raising and helping to raise (Kelly) three amazing mothers. She makes me proud every day!”

Beyonce and Her Mom Tina Knowles Share Mother’s Day Messages to Each Other on Social Media, Tina Gets Family Together After They All Got Test for COVID-19 Read More »

Boyfriend Jealous Of Partner's Weight Loss, Sabotages Diet

Boyfriend Jealous Of Partner’s Weight Loss, Adds High-Calorie Ingredients To Meals

While losing weight with a significant other may help some relationships stronger, one man says it revealed the cracks in his relationship after he caught his boyfriend attempting to sabotage his diet by adding high-calorie ingredients into his meals.

Boyfriend Jealous Of Partner’s Weight Loss, Adds High-Calorie Ingredients To Meals Read More »

My Husband and I Decided We Are Done Having Kids: What's the Best Next Step?

My Husband and I Decided We Are Done Having Kids: What’s the Best Next Step?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how to proceed now that she and her husband have decided they are done having kids. She says she is wondering if it would be better to get her tubes tied or if her husband should get a vasectomy. She wants to hear from other moms and parents who have had to make similar decisions.

My Husband and I Decided We Are Done Having Kids: What’s the Best Next Step? Read More »

At This Point, I'm Pretty Sure My Husband Has Chosen His Alcohol Addiction Over Me: Advice?

At This Point, I’m Pretty Sure My Husband Has Chosen His Alcohol Addiction Over Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband, who is likely an alcoholic. She says he drinks a 6-pack of beer every day, and much more on the weekends. He does not work, his memory has degraded, he refuses to admit he has a problem or seek help, and he tells her to accept him as he is. This mom may be reaching the end of her rope and is looking for advice.

At This Point, I’m Pretty Sure My Husband Has Chosen His Alcohol Addiction Over Me: Advice? Read More »

Mackenzie McKee Says She Was Upset With God During Her Late Mother's Cancer Battle, Now She's Living Her Life to Make Her Mom Proud

Mackenzie McKee Says She Was Upset With God During Her Late Mother’s Cancer Battle, Now She’s Living Her Life to Make Her Mom Proud

“It is not how many days you are given because we’re never promised tomorrow but it’s about what you do with those days. When you die, people are going to remember you for how you lived your life.”

Mackenzie McKee Says She Was Upset With God During Her Late Mother’s Cancer Battle, Now She’s Living Her Life to Make Her Mom Proud Read More »

My Sex Drive Has Been Completely MIA Since Having a Baby Two Years Ago: Advice?

My Sex Drive Has Been Completely MIA Since Having a Baby Two Years Ago: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her sex drive. She says she lost her sex drive following the birth of her daughter two years ago. At first, she thought it was likely due to hormones or even her postpartum depression medication, but she no longer thinks those are the cause of her issue.

My Sex Drive Has Been Completely MIA Since Having a Baby Two Years Ago: Advice? Read More »

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