Mental Health

Aaron Carter Threatened to Kill Brother Nick Carter's Pregnant Wife and Kids

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Files Restraining Order Against Brother Aaron, Who Allegedly Threatened to Kill His Pregnant Wife and Kids

Aaron’s family is extremely concerned about his well-being, as well as their own. His brother, Nick, recently filed a restraining order against Aaron after he threatened to kill his wife, Laura.

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Files Restraining Order Against Brother Aaron, Who Allegedly Threatened to Kill His Pregnant Wife and Kids Read More »

Sonogram of Tori Roloff daughter

Is Potential Dwarfism for Second Child a Concern for Tori Roloff?

As everyone awaits the second Roloff baby from Little People, Big World,  a natural question for the expecting parents are concerns over dwarfism for the baby.   Tori took to Instagram to answers fans about her baby on the way. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: ‘Little People, Big World’ Star Tori Roloff Shares Emotional Message About Her Pregnancy Tori took to Instagram Stories to share a peek at baby girl. A few weeks ago we shared that Zach and Tori are expecting a sister for son Jackson in November Fans Have Asked Whether Their Daughter Will be a Dwarf and Tori Responds Tori has been open about raising son Jackson who is not of normal height.  She’s committed to letting him grow into whom he’s supposed to be regardless of height.  “You should never put your child in a box,” she explained. She Shared Sonograms From Both Her Kids with Fans While being pregnant isn’t always fun, it’s super exciting to watch babies develop and grow! “The answer is we don’t know — and we won’t until she’s born,” she answered in a video. “We can [know] by now through an amniotic draw … but Zach and I opted out of that

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Contract signing

MIL Drafts Contract Over How Many Kids Bride and Groom Can Have

We all know our in-laws can step over the line in all sorts of ways, but weddings are especially notorious.  People bring out their freak flags during wedding planning in unimaginable ways – and this MIL is no exception.     After all, it doesn’t take much for a wedding to go from your wedding to theirs in a blink of an eye.  This becomes especially tricky if the in-laws are the ones paying. Such was the harsh reality of soon to be bride after her future MIL offered to pay for her wedding.  Midway through planning FMIL asked both her and her fiancé to sign a contract promising they would only have one child.   Maybe the bride should have known about the “one kid” clause before she agreed to the wedding! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: This Bride Canceled Her Wedding to Spite Her Mother-In-Law – and the Internet Loves Her for It Bride wanted to elope but MIL wanted a big wedding and planned one with 6 digit price tag The bride explained in her recently deleted Reddit post that she was surprised when her fiancé’s mom volunteered to pay for the wedding.  “She’s mainly the one who wanted it to be

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Joy Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth

Joy-Anna Duggar Shares Life Update After Still Birth

On May 1, 2019, Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband Austin Forsyth announced that they were expecting their second child. They couple is already parents to 17-month-old Gideon. Joy and Austin were thrilled to find out they were expanding their family, but they were also nervous about having two children under 2. In a TLCme video, Joy admitted, “I was pretty nervous when we found out we were expecting another baby, but I know that we have nine months to prepare and that the Lord will give us the strength and wisdom for how to raise this child.” Several weeks after they shared the exciting news, the couple received devastating news.  After 20 weeks of pregnancy, they were told their baby daughter had no heartbeat.  Joy Anna delivered her stillborn baby girl a few days later. On Instagram, she wrote: “We only had her for 20 weeks, Life is fragile and precious. So thankful the Lord gave her to us for that short time! She will be in our hearts forever!” Shortly after the loss, the shattered parents posted heart breaking photos with their stillborn daughter. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Fans Mourn for Joy-Anna Duggar After Her Family Shares Group Baby Bump Photo

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Service dogs in theater

Service Dogs Attend ‘Billy Elliot’ To Learn Proper Theater Behavior

At the Stratford Festival Theatre in Ontario, Canada, they occasionally put on a special kind of performance – it’s called a “relaxed performance”. What is a “relaxed performance you may ask?  A relaxed performance at the Ontario theater are for audiences who benefit from a less structured environment while watching a show.  While all patrons are welcome, these performances are ideal for those with intellectual or learning disabilities, autism, sensory processing conditions, and more. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: This Disney Princess Ensures A Young Boy With Autism Gets His Fairytale Moment at Disney World This theater takes relaxed performances to a new level, however. Recently, the theater put on a production of Billy Elliot for a very special audience. The service dogs from K-9 Country Inn Working Service Dogs were learning how to behave in the theater for handlers who might be interested in attending performances. A dozen good boys and girls learned what it takes to sit through a theater performance. The service dogs in training attended the performance so that they could learn how to accompany future handlers both in terms of guiding them to their seats or through the theater as well as learning when they need to sit and remain quiet so as

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Katie Price and son in court

Single Mom Fosters Abandoned Newborn and Soon Realizes She’s The Biological Sister Of Her Adopted Son

This is Katie Price of Parker, Colorado, and these are her beautiful children. But just a few years ago, Katie was newly divorced, completely on her own and searching to find her purpose. Which she discovered was in becoming a foster mom. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Nurse Adopts Two-Year-Old Baby Blaze After Caring for Him in the Hospital After her divorce, Katie Price rebooted her life. First, she moved into a new home in Colorado, then she changed careers, and most importantly she chose to foster a child. She’d always wanted a child but struggled with fertility so became interested in adopting.  One day, she received an email from her pastor suggesing she consider fostering a child especially given her past fertility issues. Katie was intrigued, but took things slowly. She started by attending meetings about the foster care system and learning as much as she could about the process. It was through one of the foster care meetings that Katie realized she indeed felt the calling to foster.  After successfully fostering four children at various times, Katie was ready to adopt and raise a child of her own. Her opportunity arrived in 2016, when a caseworker told Katie about

Single Mom Fosters Abandoned Newborn and Soon Realizes She’s The Biological Sister Of Her Adopted Son Read More »

Back to school supplies

Let’s Celebrate Back to School: Mom’s Hilarious Photo Captures First Day of School Relief!

For parents, the back-to-school season is the super stressful storm before the calm.   It’s not easy to get all the items on their supply lists, the perfect back-to-school outfits, and more.   Not only do you have to make sure your kids have everything they need to succeed on day one, but you often have to fight heinous crowds to do so. Once those chores are done, it’s time to figure out lunches and carpools! There are so many details, and most expect moms to take care of them all. That’s why for many, once you finish that drop off line or watch your child board that school bus you can take that much needed sigh of relief! Still, year after year, parents, especially moms somehow make it happen. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Packing Lunches Is The Worst Thing About Kids Being Back At School Survey Confirms After a long summer of entertaining the kids, parents are sending them back to the classroom where they learn and grow….and no one is more excited than parents. Shawna Genua from Florida decided to take back to school to a new level. She gathered some of her friends to take a picture celebrating that

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