
Mother Spends $3,500 Per Month To Feed Her 14 Children

Mother From Doubling Down with the Derricos Spends $3,500 Per Month To Feed Her 14 Children

Keeping the Derrico home running with 14 kids is no walk in the park. Parents Karen and Deon Derrico get their 14 children ready to start their day and reveal how mornings are a production in TLC’s new series, Doubling Down with the Derricos.

Mother From Doubling Down with the Derricos Spends $3,500 Per Month To Feed Her 14 Children Read More »

What Can I Feed a 9-Month-Old Baby Who Has No Teeth?

What Can I Feed a 9-Month-Old Baby Who Has No Teeth?

A mom writes in asking for advice about feeding her 9-month-old baby. She says her infant son has no teeth. What foods can she feed him given that? She adds that her son likes to feed himself but has not been so hot on the foods mom and dad have been giving him. She turns to the community for advice on which foods she should try to feed her baby.

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At What Age Is It Appropriate to Give a Child Gum?

At What Age Is It Appropriate to Give a Child Gum?

A mom writes in asking for advice about giving gum to her child. She says her 4-year-old daughter has been begging to have gum, but this mom is worried that her daughter will either swallow it or get it stuck in her hair, which would then need to be cut. She also has concerns that giving gum to her 4-year-old will make her 3-year-old son want the same, and she would rather avoid that annoyance. So, what say you? At what age is it appropriate to give a child gum?

At What Age Is It Appropriate to Give a Child Gum? Read More »

This Cereal Box Folding Hack Made at Least One Mom Absolutely Lose Her Mind

This Cereal Box Folding Hack Made at Least One Mom Absolutely Lose Her Mind

Some things are inevitable. Death and taxes. The lost sunglasses you’re looking for are actually on your head. Mosquitos. And videos that demonstrate a simple trick that somehow completely upend our world. Cue this video about the “proper” way to close a cereal box.

This Cereal Box Folding Hack Made at Least One Mom Absolutely Lose Her Mind Read More »

7 Awesome Trader Joe's Items We Absolutely Need to Bring to Your Attention Right Now

7 Awesome Trader Joe’s Items We Absolutely Need to Bring to Your Attention Right Now

Trader Joe’s has a special knack for coming up with snack foods and everyday items that are next level. It seems like you can’t step into the store without discovering a crave-worthy item you didn’t even dream of existing before you started shopping. Those goodies, of course, quickly become must-haves

7 Awesome Trader Joe’s Items We Absolutely Need to Bring to Your Attention Right Now Read More »

Mom Claims She Doesn't Get Sick Due To 'Sperm Smoothies'

Mom Claims She Hasn’t Been Sick in Years Due To ‘Sperm Smoothies’

One British mom swears by her daily 8-ounce smoothies….made with sperm. Tracy Kiss is a fitness model and mother of two from Buckinghamshire, England, and swears by the stuff — claiming that she hasn’t been sick in years thanks to downing the drink every day.

Mom Claims She Hasn’t Been Sick in Years Due To ‘Sperm Smoothies’ Read More »

Money Issues: Would It Be Wrong to Tell My Child's Father to Keep Him for the Summer Due to Financial Problems?

Would It Be Wrong to Tell My Child’s Father to Keep Him for the Summer Due to Financial Problems?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her son and her son’s father, whom she is no longer with. She says that she has not been together with her son’s father for a long time; they did not work out as a couple. According to this mom, she eventually lost primary custody of her son, who elected to live with his father after being “showered” with gifts. She was supposed to have her son this summer, but her ex refuses to provide any financial support, even for groceries for their son, when she has them, which puts this mom in a financially impossible situation.

Would It Be Wrong to Tell My Child’s Father to Keep Him for the Summer Due to Financial Problems? Read More »

My One-Year-Old Daughter Has Suddenly Started Gagging and Spitting Out Her Food When She Eats: Advice?

My One-Year-Old Daughter Has Suddenly Started Gagging and Spitting Out Her Food When She Eats: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 1-year-old daughter. She says her daughter gags when she eats. “She will not eat,” this mom says, before adding that she’ll gag and spit out her food. This is apparently a recent development, which has this mom worried. Should she be? What she can she do to help her daughter eat?

My One-Year-Old Daughter Has Suddenly Started Gagging and Spitting Out Her Food When She Eats: Advice? Read More »

My Toddler Isn't Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?

My Toddler Isn’t Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her almost-three-year-old toddler daughter. She says she is not much a meat-eater. She is also, as of recently, not much of a veggie eater. She’ll take a single bite of dinner and refuse to eat more. In short, she’s a very stubborn picky eater. It’s gotten so bad overall that her daughter is waking up in the middle of the night hungry because she has refused to eat. Advice?

My Toddler Isn’t Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice? Read More »

My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend's, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice?

My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend’s, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 18-year-old teenage daughter. She says her daughter, who mostly lives at her boyfriend’s house, comes home in at most to sleep and/or eat. She comes home to eat because her boyfriend’s mother refuses her food, as she does not pay to live there. So this mom’s daughter started coming home and taking food to bring back to her boyfriend’s to eat. This mom put a stop to it, said that the food must be eaten at home. So now the daughter comes home to eat, but then up and leaves her mom with the mess. What can she do?

My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend’s, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice? Read More »

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old baby who, she says, refuses to eat any food other than baby food. She has tried a ton of different baby-safe foods, but nothing has taken. Her son will only eat baby food with cereal mixed in. If she gives him something else, like peas or eggs or banana, “he will gag until he makes himself throw up.” Do you have any advice for this mom?

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice? Read More »

My Two-Year-Old Has Refused to Eat Solid Foods for the Last Six Months: Advice?

My Two-Year-Old Has Refused to Eat Solid Foods for the Last Six Months: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her two-year-old. She says her toddler, who once ate “literally anything,” has refused to eat solid foods for the last six months. All he wants is milk, juice, and sometimes oranges. All day, every day. This mom has tried some old standby tricks, but now she’s turning to the community for further advice.

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Father of 9-Year-Old Put Her On Extreme Diet and Exercise Regiment

A Dad Put His 9-Year-Old Daughter on an Extreme Diet and Exercise Regiment, and Basically Gave Her an Eating Disorder

A father on Reddit is being criticized for going way too far in attempting to help his 9-year-old daughter lose weight. The anonymous dad admitted he has not always been apart of his daughter’s life but is currently attempting to be more involved – especially when it comes to her health.

A Dad Put His 9-Year-Old Daughter on an Extreme Diet and Exercise Regiment, and Basically Gave Her an Eating Disorder Read More »

My Skin Has Been Awful Since I Had My Baby, and I Think It May Be Related to My Diet: Any Advice?

My Skin Has Been Awful Since I Had My Baby, and I Think It May Be Related to My Diet: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She says that her skin has been “so bad” since she had her baby. She says she drinks a lot of water and washes her face, and yet her skin is still bad. She is starting to suspect it is related to her diet. What will help this mom and others like her?

My Skin Has Been Awful Since I Had My Baby, and I Think It May Be Related to My Diet: Any Advice? Read More »

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