Mamas Uncut

Lea Michele Shows Off C-Section Scar To Instagram: ‘The Greatest Reminder In The Whole World’

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Lea Michele is proud of her C-Section scar.

In one of the singer’s latest posts to Instagram, Michele shared a bikini photo — praising her cesarean section scar.

Lea Michele Shows Off C-Section Scar To Instagram
Image via Instagram

“C-section scar so low you can’t even see it,” Michele captioned the photo that appeared on her Instagram story.

Lea and her husband Zandy Reich welcomed their son, Ever Leo, in August 2020.

Michele also called the scar “the greatest reminder in the whole world” in her post before adding how she was floored by how much time had flew by. “I can’t believe it’s August and my baby’s going to be one soon!” she wrote.

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Lea and Zandy struggled to conceive due to polycystic ovary syndrome. In fact, by the time Ever was conceived the two had given up on their dream of becoming parents. During an Instagram live with Katherine Schwarzenegger, Lea spoke on the sensitive subject.

“I really wanted to have a vaginal birth,” Lea shared. “To me, I felt like, for whatever reason, I felt like that really means that I’m a mom.”

“The strength that we have as women, whether or not you feel like it’s there, it’s really, it’s there,” Lea told Katherine. “I didn’t know it existed within me. And my little baby was such a fighter, he really was a fighter. And I remember the minute I held him, the first thing I said to him was, ‘You did so good. You did it. You did so good.'”

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Recently, Michele released a lullaby album in honor of her rollercoaster of a pregnancy.

“I had a very intense pregnancy as I’ve spoken about publicly and that’s when I started to use music to help calm my baby inside of me, to let him know that even though I might be very scared, and there may be a lot that’s unknown, but no matter what that he was going to be OK and that we were OK,” she continued.

“Whether I was singing songs to him or playing music for him in my belly, music was my way of communicating with him to let him know that everything was going to be fine,” Michele adds. “And then when we were so blessed with the gift of him being born I started using my voice in a way that I never had before: to sing to my son. I’ve never enjoyed singing more than I do now, so making this album, Forever, is such a dream come true for me in so many ways.”

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