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Lawyer Admits Britney Spears’ Mom Was Behind Ending Her 55-Hour Marriage To Childhood Sweetheart

Lawyer Admits Britney Spears' Mom Was Behind Ending Her 55-Hour Marriage To Childhood Sweetheart

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Britney Spears‘ mom, Lynne Spears, was allegedly behind her 55-hour marriage, according to a divorce lawyer, Mark Goldberg.

In an exclusive new interview, the attorney revealed how Britney’s childhood sweetheart, Jason Alexander, contacted him after Lynn attempted to get involved in the marriage.

Britney married Jason in 2004 during a weekend in Las Vegas. According to Goldberg, Britney had traveled there with friends when she decided to reach out to her childhood sweetheart. “Britney called him to come to Las Vegas,” Mark recalled. “She was there with friends, and she paid for his airfare to come.”

Lawyer Admits Britney Spears’ Mom Was Behind Ending Her 55-Hour Marriage To Childhood Sweetheart.

The lawyer said Jason arrived in Vegas, which is when Britney brought up marriage. “As I remember it, it was Britney’s idea to get married. He said they hadn’t been drinking or doing drugs — or at least they weren’t drunk.”

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The two allegedly left their friends and returned as husband and wife. “The two of them went by themselves to a wedding chapel and got married, then came back to the hotel suite and their friends, all happy,” the attorney said.

But their happiness didn’t last long. “The next morning, they called Britney’s mother, and all hell broke loose.”

Goldberg says Lynne hopped on a plane immediately and flew out to Vegas to mitigate the situation. And when she arrived at their hotel room, Lynn threw Jason out. And when Jason learned of Lynn’s plan to have his marriage annulled, he reached out to the lawyer, to which he asked Jason a series of questions.

Of the questions, two were of the utmost importance when considering an annulment. 1. Whether they had consummated their marriage 2. And if they had been drinking.

“I explained that we could contest the annulment. As far as I could see, it wasn’t appropriate. They had gotten married in good faith, both had the ability to say, ‘I do,’ and they had consummated the marriage,” he explained, adding how their marriage could possibly end in divorce. But Jason didn’t want to split from his childhood sweetheart, as he sincerely believed they had a future together.

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And so Jason thought that by agreeing to the annulment, he would, in good faith, have a spot in Britney’s future.

And while he told the attorney he didn’t want to do it, Jason eventually agreed to the annulment. “He told me, ‘They want an annulment. I love her, I think she loves me, we’ll see what the future holds,'” Mark recalled.

“I explained it to him. I told him we could fight the annulment, but I think in his heart Jason thought and hoped that if he went along with it, he and Britney, the two of them, would get back together.”

But sadly, it never happened. Eventually, when Jason tried to get in touch with Britney, he discovered her phone number had been changed. The events transpired in 2004, four years before Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, went to court to obtain a conservatorship for Britney.

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