Mamas Uncut

Lauren Burnham and Arie Luyendyk Jr. Welcome Twins: ‘Spending Time Cherishing These Moments’

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Lauren Burnham Luyendyk and Arie Luyendyk Jr. are seeing double these days!

The couple has welcomed twins as reported per Instagram over the weekend. The couple, who wed in January 2019 after they met on his season of The Bachelor, are also proud parents to 2-year-old daughter, Alessi.

Lauren Burnham and Arie Luyendyk Jr. Welcome Twins: 'Spending Time Cherishing These Moments'
Image via Instagram

“@luyendyktwins are here!” he wrote in an Instagram Story post this past Saturday. “Momma and babies are doing great and everything went smoothly.”

“Spending time cherishing these moments, thank you for all the support,” he added.

And while the happy couple has yet to post any photos of their newborns, they did post photo of just the two of them at the hospital. Prior to delivery, Arie sang Lauren’s praises for being a “tough woman,” saying that “she’s having a hard time this go around with nausea.”

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Lauren, 29, and Arie, 39, revealed back in December how they were expecting after sharing in May that she suffered a miscarriage. In their initial announcement, they announced they were expecting twins and confirmed the following month that they would be having a boy and a girl. 

In May, Lauren revealed how both she and Arie decided they wanted to name their babies on the way quite some time ago. “We’ve had them picked out for the last couple of years. We came up with Alessi’s name. Right after we decided on her name, we actually chose the next two for our boy and our girl,” she said. “It just ended up working out where we’re now having a boy and a girl. So we’re just gonna use both of those names that we loved.”

The mom posted a photo of herself on Instagram with her daughter on May 23, sharing how she is attempting to soak up lots of time with the kiddo before the two newborns come home. “soaking up all the extra time w/ my bff before we have a couple more,” she posted.

Image via Instagram

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Lauren also explained revealed how she has been coaching Alessi to become a big sister.

“We have gotten quite a few books on becoming a big sister, like Baby in Mommy’s Tummy. We’ve been reading those books to her almost every night,” she explained at the time. “We try and mix in some other topics as well, but we read those to her. We talk to her about the babies in my belly all the time and I try to put her hand on my belly when they’re moving. She kind of puts two and two together. I actually took her to an ultrasound … so I think she’s starting to put it together a little bit more, but I don’t know if she’ll totally grasp it until they’re here.”

And when it comes to more kiddos, well we will just have to wait and see on that front! “We didn’t expect to have three right away, so it’s gonna be a very big transition for us. We wanna see how we manage that first and then we’ll probably decide after that. But the pregnancy this time around, I have to say, has been a lot easier than my first pregnancy.”

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