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Rep. Lauren Boebert Excited to Be a 36-Year-Old Grandmother; 17-Year-Old Son Having a Baby in April

Rep. Lauren Boebert Excited to Be a 36-Year-Old Grandmother; 17-Year-Old Son Having a Baby in April

via Shutterstock (lev radin)

Lauren Boebert, who has served as a U.S. representative for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district since 2021, was just 18 years old when she gave birth to her first child – Tyler Boebert – with her husband, Jayson Boebert. The couple has been married since 2005 and has three other sons besides Tyler. 

Earlier this month, Lauren spoke at a Conservative Political Action Conference event and announced that Tyler, who turned 18 on March 21, is following in her footsteps – not her political footsteps, but rather as a teenage parent. He and his girlfriend are scheduled to welcome their first baby together sometime in April.

“I’m going to tell you all for the first time in a public setting that not only am I a mom of four boys, but come April, I will be a Gigi to a brand new grandson,” she said on March 11 – Tyler was 17 at the time. Lauren added that she and her husband are ‘so excited to welcome this new life into our family.’

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During her speech, Lauren Boebert drew several laughs as she talked about a funny mother-son moment she shared with Tyler when discussing his incoming child. Talking to Tyler, she brought up the fact that she was going to be a 36-year-old grandmother – which is traditionally a young age to be a grandmother.

He replied, “Well didn’t you make Granny a 36-year-old granny?” – referring to Lauren’s mother as ‘Granny.’ When she said yes, he replied that it must be hereditary. “Nice try, buddy,” Lauren said to those that attended her speech – which resulted in a crowd of laughter. At least she can give him some tips.

Later in her speech, Lauren Boebert talked about how most parents with young children who are giving life often have ‘questions that pop up’ and ‘fear that arises.’ While her family is no different, she explains that their biggest fear wasn’t what they were going to do or what people were going to say about Tyler. 

“Our biggest fear is: Are they going to choose life?” Lauren said about the pregnancy. “And they did. And we’re so proud of them for making that sacrifice and being selfless in that position to say there’s something greater here,” she added – for context, Boebert is heavily against abortion and is pro-life.

Lauren Boebert Talks About Teen Pregnancy Rates

In her speech, Lauren Boebert applauded rural conservative communities for valuing life and called these areas special – citing statistics that show rural areas often have higher teenage mom rates and lower abortion rates than their urban counterparts, despite teenage pregnancy rates being similar in both areas. 

“If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they’re the same in rural and urban areas. However, abortion rates are higher in urban areas, and teen mom rates are higher in rural, conservative areas because we understand the preciousness of the life that is about to be born,” said Lauren. 

In 2016, PBS reported that while teen birth rates were decreasing nationwide, they were still much higher in rural areas than in urban areas. According to their report, 18.9 teens per 1,000 females between 15-19 years old gave birth in urban areas in 2015 – compared to roughly 30.9 teens in rural communities. 

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While Boebert continues to push her conservative views to those willing to listen, she’s also focused on being a good grandmother and is excited to welcome ‘a wonderful little boy to the Boebert family’ – adding that she and her husband will be working together to help her son be the best father possible.

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