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Lance Bass Reveals Photos Of His Newborn Twins, ‘Violet Betty,’ And ‘Alexander James’

Lance Bass Reveals Photos Of His Newborn Twins, 'Violet Betty,' And 'Alexander James'

Image via Instagram

Lance Bass revealed his newborn twins Violet Betty and Alexander James to Instagram this past Sunday.

In the slideshow, Bass shared several photos of the two bundled-up babies, along with a few of him and his husband, Michael Turchin, as they settle into fatherhood.

“Haven’t slept much in 5 days and I’m covered in ick but I’ve never been so happy!,” Bass wrote. “Now there are four of us in this house that wear diapers (hint: it’s not me or @michaelturchinart).”

Bass and Turchin welcomed the sweet pair on Wednesday, via surrogate. And on Thursday, Bass announced that the “baby dragons,” had officially arrived. 

“The baby dragons have arrived!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can not express how much love I feel right now,” Bass wrote next to a slideshow of the twins’ birth certificates. “Thank you for all the kind wishes. It meant a lot. Now, how do you change a diaper??! Ahhhhhhhh!”

Bass and Turchin, who have been married since 2014, revealed in June that they were expecting twins. Bass shared how their surrogate was 25 weeks pregnant in July and that their twins were “growing beautifully.”

“I can’t believe we will be dads in less than 3 months!” he excitedly wrote.

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In 2018, Bass revealed he was starting the process to have kids with husband Turchin.

“It’s something we’re very excited about. I mean, the reason I wanted to get married to this guy is I know he’ll be an amazing dad,” he said of Turchin. 

In March 2020 the pair’s surrogate had been eight weeks pregnant with a baby boy in fall 2019, but tragically lost the pregnancy to miscarriage. It was the couple’s ninth round of IVF. 

“It’s been a very long process, years in the making,” he said of his road to fatherhood. “There have been a lot of ups and downs … way more downs than ups.”

RELATED: Couple Raises $4K on TikTok to Fund IVF After Five Miscarriages, Followers to Choose Baby’s Name

Bass also shared how the experience affected his mental health.

“You try to trick yourself into not getting excited because you know anything can happen at any time, especially in those first few weeks when there’s a huge possibility that the [embryos] won’t stick,” he explained.

“You keep telling yourself that and trying not to get your hopes up, but you’re always going to have those thoughts in the back of your brain where you’re already planning out their lives. Especially once you know the sex — you can’t help but fast-forward over their entire lives and imagine who they’re going to be like, who they might marry and all kinds of stuff.”

“That’s the thing that sucks — you can’t help yourself from thinking those thoughts and having this perfect world scenario in your mind,” he continued. “Getting over that has been hard. It’s like all these hopes and dreams I had won’t be happening this time. But everything happens for a reason and when it needs to happen, it’ll have to happen.”

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