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Kristen Hayes, Wife of the Late Jimmy Hayes, Reveals How Her Son Reacts Every Time the Front Door Beeps

Kristen Hayes, Wife of the Late Jimmy Hayes, Reveals How Her Son Reacts Every Time the Front Door Beeps

As Mamas Uncut has reported, on August 23, just one day after celebrating their oldest son’s 2nd birthday, Jimmy Hayes passed away. Jimmy Hayes was a retired professional hockey player, who last played for the Boston Bruins. At the time of his passing, he was a doting father, husband, and podcast host.

His death was unexpected, and as far as public knowledge goes, it remains unclear what caused his passing. In the hours before his death, his wife, Kristen Hayes, had posted videos of Jimmy and their son jumping on a trampoline, enjoying each other’s company. 

Kristen Hayes Reveals How Their Son Is Doing Days After Jimmy Hayes Unexpected Passing

As Kristen initially wrote, following her husband’s passing, “My angel. I love you so much. I miss you. I don’t know how I’m going to do life without you. You should be here. This isn’t fair.”

The day after his passing, Kristen revealed that the Wednesday before, she, Jimmy, and their two young boys had professional photos taken. “Little did I know they would be our last photos of a family of four. I have no words. I’m heartbroken. We miss you. We love you. You should be here,” she wrote on Instagram.

And Kristen continues to use social media to talk to her husband, letting the world know that this hand she has been dealt is not easy and how much she misses the love of her life. On the day of Jimmy’s wake, Kristen shared another video of Jimmy Hayes and their son Beau playing on the trampolines.

RELATED: Kristen Hayes Shares Preview of the Family Photos Just Four Days Before Her Husband Jimmy Hayes’ Unexpected Passing

The music playing in the background is You’ll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins, something that now gives her the chills. “A week ago today. Now, a favorite memory. The music that just happens to be playing gives me chills. Beau has watched this video countless times w/ a smile saying “again.” Today is going to be a tough one. Please give me strength. I love you the most. You should be here.”

But Most Recently, Kristen Hayes Shared This About Their Son and How He Is Handling His Father’s Passing:

“Missing your arms wrapped around me extra today. Still keep thinking your coming home. Beau races to the door each time it beeps hoping it’s you. Gosh, this is hard. I miss you so much.”

Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to describe that. Fans of the Hayes family have been praising Kristen in the comment sections of her recent posts. 

“You are a profoundly brave woman,” one commenter wrote. “Life has handed you a devastating blow and yet you somehow have the grace to keep your huge heart open, sharing the love between you with us all. Your beautiful boys chose the perfect mother. Know that an army stands with you sending you light and love, myself included.”

So touching, so true.

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