Mamas Uncut

Kim Zolciak Shares Son Kash Had Reconstructive Face Surgery After Horrendous Dog Bite Incident

Kim Zolciak-Biermann revealed to her fans how her 8-year-old son, Kash, had reconstructive surgery back in November after a dog bit him in a horrendous accident.

Kim, 42, revealed how her son Kash, whom she shares with husband, Kroy Biermann, underwent the surgery after his dog bit him in 2017.

Kim Zolciak Reveals Son Kash Had Reconstructive Surgery
Image via Instagram

“I waited to share this story until my baby was healed! Kash is such a trooper the toughest, bravest little boy I have ever met,” the proud mom wrote on Instagram. “Last month Kash had reconstructive surgery from the dog bite 3 years ago. We knew the night of the bite/surgery that he most likely would need another surgery in the future to correct the injury.”

Kim revaled how the family had “a rough couple of days” after the surgery.

“It was pretty severe and due to the severity of the swelling that night our plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Williams (the best) did the very best he could,” Kim continued. “I’ll never forget that day as long as I live and as much as we thought we ‘put it in the back of our minds’ when Kash came out of surgery this time it hit Kroy and I pretty hard.”

“Kroy and I cried many many times along side Kash. We sat in the plastic surgeons parking lot (only one parent could go in and I knew Kroy could handle it better than me) but when Kash/Kroy came out and sat in the backseat with Kash on his lap and tears streamed down both their faces,” she told fans. “I could barely breathe.”

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“My heart was broken that we even had to go through all this again,” Kim revealed, adding that she reached out to her circle for prayers and support as they relived the memories of when Kash was attacked by the family’s dog, Sinn.

Just three days after his surgery, Kim said that Kash woke up and told her, “Mom I feel great!”.

“I knew we were on the road to recovery. I didn’t cry again until 10 days later at Kj’s basketball game we took a picture together (last pic)and I realized how incredible he looks and how blessed we are to have Dr. Williams and so many others that truly care,” Kim wrote.

In addition, Kim also contacted Michael Giovanni Rivera, a celebrity personal trainer, to see if the family could get a motivational message for Kash from the young boy’s favorite MMA fighter, Conor McGregor. And sure enough, they did!

“Conor’s video had me in tears I could barely speak, I mean it’s CONOR MCGREGOR but it was also his MESSAGE,” Kim said. “There are no [words to] express my gratitude 2 not only Gio, but Conor, my supportive husband, our surgeon, my family & friends.”

In April of 2017, Kim and Kroy, 35, were shocked when their trained dog left Kash in the hospital for 4 days, almost blinding him.

“It was like a bad dream,” Kim shared with PEOPLE at the time. “Our dog Sinn is heavily, heavily trained. Kash is his favorite. It made absolutely no sense to any of us. This is nothing I ever thought I’d be dealing with in my life.”

The dog, Sinn, and Kash had been playing outside while Kroy used a leaf blower to clean the yard. And startled by the leaf blower, Sinn then attacked Kash.

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“Being right there, it was just wrong place, wrong time, wrong circumstances. The perfect storm,” Kroy shared. “Had one thing been different, it wouldn’t have happened. You try to say, ‘What would I have done differently?’ And there are a lot of things now, but you can’t change any of it. You just have to learn from it and grow from it.”

The couple decided to keep Sinn as they had rescued the dog three years prior.

“Sinn and Kash have been best friends since the day we got Sinn,” Kim said. “Kash is an absolute animal lover, and Sinn is definitely his favorite, without a shadow of a doubt. That’s why it was extra hard.”

“I genuinely felt a deep rage for what Sinn had done to my son, but Kash loves him,” Kroy added. “We didn’t want him to live a life with a phobia of dogs. We wanted him to understand it wasn’t his fault.”

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