Mamas Uncut

Kids Dump Some of Their Halloween Candy In Front of Child With Cancer Sign So That He Can Enjoy the Goodness Too


Halloween may be the last holiday you would expect to find a feel-good story, but get your tissues ready because this story will completely restore your faith in humanity. On October 31, Courtney Thomas quickly made a sign to stick in her front yard so that other children wouldn’t come to her front door for candy. 

It’s not because she didn’t want to hand out sugary treats to kids dressed in their Halloween costumes. It’s because her own child is battling cancer.

Kids Dump Some of Their Halloween Candy In Front of Child With Cancer Sign So That He Can Enjoy the Goodness Too

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In an effort to keep their home as germ free as possible, Thomas made the decision to close their front door and turn off their porch lights during Trick or Treating hours. She also drafted a sign so that kids understood why they wouldn’t be handing out candy this year.


“Sorry, no candy. Child with cancer,” the mom wrote on the sign. “See you next year! Have fun!”

But how the kids in their neighborhood would react to the sign, Thomas never expected. In fact, she admits that she couldn’t stop crying as a result of their actions.

“If anyone thought there was no hope in our kids and teens you’re wrong. The SOLE purpose of us putting this sign in our yard today was so kids wouldn’t run to our door and be disappointed (our neighborhood usually gets 300-400 kids). I looked on our doorbell camera tonight and saw that kids had been stopping at the sign. T.j. Thomas and I just went outside and found this.”

As Thomas continued the picture of the mound of candy left underneath the sign “doesn’t do it justice. It’s a LOT and the good stuff even.”

“Seriously,” Thomas added. “If the parents of anyone who did this sees this, PLEASE tell them how much it means to us and our kiddos. On the best candy night of the year kids freely and generously shared with strangers and showed so much love and kindness. So amazing.”

For Thomas and her family, “childhood cancer is something they wish no family ever has to endure.” But they have felt the love, hope, support, and grace extended to them during this particularly difficult time.

RELATED: Here’s How the CDC Says You Can Have a Safe Halloween and Other Creative Trick or Treat Hacks That May Have You Feeling Normal

Thomas also shared a link if people would like to donate not only to them but to the thousands of families affected by childhood cancer. “All funds go directly back to the patients and family needs during their stay on the units!”

How amazing is this youngest generation, who have no fear of showing up for others?

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