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15 Times Kids Said Wonderfully, Hilariously Random Things

15 Times Kids Said Wonderfully, Hilariously Random Things

Everyone knows that kids say the darndest things, often with hilarious results. There’s something so pure about kids chatting away, sharing the honest truth whether you want to hear it or not. Their ability to say what’s on the tip of their tongue can be enviable at times, embarrassing at others, but always entertaining.

We’ve put together some of our favorite kids-say-the-darndest-things moments from the past few months.

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15 Funny Things Kid Have Said

Sometimes having lower expectations is a good thing.

@not_thenanny (Source)

Though we’re kind of concerned about this kid eating an old ice cream cake.

At least one of the kiddos learned about social distancing.

@firstaidbylevande (Source)

It’s unclear how their math skills are though.

Kids really do adapt to technology so quickly.

@babeandabode (Source)

Curious to see if the grocery store comes through with those Easter eggs.

Kid’s games can have SO many rules.

@littlehootsapp (Source)

It’s their world and we’re just living in it, right?

Kids are 100% truthful.

@realdlhughley (Source)

Sometimes embarrassingly so.

It’s good to have cheerleaders.

@hnshields (Source)

Though we could do without them noticing we end workouts early.

Well, this kid is looking at the bright side of Zoom school.

@stufftinyhumanssay (Source)

At least someone is making the most of it.

Well, two out of three isn’t bad.

@unremarkablefiles (Source)

Still waiting on clarification about what “smells like grandma” means.

Sometimes it takes a while to pronounce things correctly.

@thedeanblundellshow (Source)

But it seemed worth it to give the preschool a good laugh.

Kids have the best imagination.

@successfully_chaotic (Source)

But, no, you cannot play in the dilapidated car wash.

Given everything that’s happened this year, can’t blame him.

@overheardremotelearning (Source)

Would consider it for a vacation at this point.

So. Many. Questions.

@vodkaandstringcheese (Source)

Thank God for Google.

Celebrate that Mom Bod.

@leave_it_to_brittni (Source)

Even when your own kid calls you out for all of your wiggly bits.

They catch on to everything.

@mykidsbutler (Source)

Don’t think they don’t notice.

And every once in awhile they catch you off guard by saying the sweetest thing ever.

@littlehootsapp (Source)

Heart melting.

Kids really do say whatever is on their mind, even when it’s a little awkward. Before jumping in to correct their mistakes, take a moment to enjoy their unintentional comedy – they won’t be that straightforward forever!

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