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Khloé Kardashian Gets Heat For Saying Women Should Not Be Shamed For Their Partners Infidelity After Publicly Denouncing Jordyn Woods

Khloé Kardashian Gets Heat For Saying Women Should Not Be Shamed For Their Partners Infidelity After Publicly Denouncing Jordyn Woods

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Khloé Kardashian is getting heat for being hypocritical about women being blamed for their unfaithful partners’ actions.

The reality star’s very public, past relationships have been riddled with infidelity. Her marriage with Lamar Oden ended in 2013 after she filed for divorce following his battle with drugs, alcohol and infidelity.

A few years later, Khloé was in an on-again, off-again relationship with NBA player Tristan Thompson between 2016 and 2021. She then split with him for good after he was accused of cheating on several occasions. The first time he was accused was just days before she gave birth to their now-3-year-old daughter, True, in April of 2018.

And through each scandal, Kardashian battled a slew of comments online from people who’ve blamed her for her former partners’ infidelity.

When it was discovered that Tristan had fathered another child during his relationship with her, many were quick to point blame at Kardashian.

RELATED: Tristan Thompson Uses Instagram to Publicly Apologize to Khloe Kardashian for Cheating on Her Again

However, Khloé said that she finds it “really hurtful” to put the blame on a woman whose partner has cheated in a new interview with Variety.

“If your significant other is doing something wrong, for the woman to be blamed, that’s always been really hurtful for me,” she said.

“I don’t even care if people have sympathy. I just don’t understand why there’s so much finger-pointing — like it must be me. That’s a heavy thing to carry,” she added.

And while her point of not blaming women and holding men accountable was valid, many were quick to criticize the star for comments she made in 2018 Jordyn Woods who cheated with Tristan.

RELATED: Khloé Kardashian And Tristan Thompson Rumored To No Longer Be Moving In Together Amid Paternity Scandal

Jordyn — who was Khloé’s sister Kylie Jenner’s best friend at the time — allegedly kissed Tristan at a house party. She did not budge that he was the one to have kissed her and denied that anything else happened between them.

However, Khloé was quick to point the finger at Jordyn rather than Tristan, accusing her of “lying” and being the sole reason her family “broke up” in a harsh public tweet after Jordyn gave an interview about the incident.

“Why are you lying @jordynwoods ?? If you’re going to try and save yourself by going public, INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story. BTW, You ARE the reason my family broke up!” Khloé tweeted at Jordyn in March 2019.

What do you think of this entire situation?

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