Mamas Uncut

Watching Kendall Jenner Try to Cut a Cucumber Is ‘Tragic’ But Kris Jenner Doing Nothing About It Is Even More Tragic: Opinion

Whether you watch the Kardashian family’s new reality show on Hulu or not, you may have seen a lot of people talking about Kendall Jenner over the last several days. And if you’re not someone who watches The Kardashians, you may be a bit confused about what all the chatter is about.

Let me do a quick recap for you. On the most recent episode of The Kardashians, Kendall is seen visiting her mom’s new home. As Kendall check’s out Kris’s new kitchen, she decides to make herself a little snack.

The snack includes pretzels, hummus, and slices of cucumber. It’s the way in which Kendall is seen cutting her cucumber into slices that has people concerned.

Watch Kendall Jenner cut the cucumber below:

In the clip, Kendall tells her mom she can cut the cucumber herself because “it’s pretty easy.” However, as she begins to chop, she ultimately tells the cameras not to zoom in on her because she admits to being “not a good cutter.”

But as you can see, it’s pretty obvious Kendall does not know how to successfully cut a cucumber. Although she would have been more successful if she would have just turned the cucumber in the opposite direction, a lot of people have a lot to say about the clip.

And while a lot of people are dragging Kendall for not knowing how to cut a cucumber, I have to put Kris Jenner on blast for this one. The whole time Kendall is struggling with the cucumber, you see Kris just sitting there.

Watching Kendall Jenner Try to Cut a Cucumber Is ‘Tragic’ But Kris Jenner Doing Nothing About It Is Even More Tragic: Opinion

But instead of helping her daughter learn how to cut the vegetable, Kris automatically calls for her chef to cut the cucumber for Kendall. And in my opinion, this is the biggest problem of all.

Watching Kendall Jenner Try to Cut a Cucumber Is ‘Tragic’ But Kris Jenner Doing Nothing About It Is Even More Tragic

Sure, she likely pays a lot of money for that chef to be there manning the kitchen, and yes, she’s supplying one more person in the world with a job, but her 25-year-old daughter should absolutely be able to chop a cucumber on her own.

And to Kendall’s credit, despite the fact she is struggling, she doesn’t want the chef’s help. She prefers to do it on her own!

Kendall has also since responded to the fact that her lack of cucumber-chopping skills is going viral. Clearly, she is taking the criticism in stride.

It remains unclear if anyone has taught the supermodel the proper way to cut a cucumber yet. Here’s hoping Kris Jenner has stepped up since then.

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