Mamas Uncut

Kellyanne Conway Says Her Husband’s Criticism of Donald Trump Broke Their Wedding Vows


In a new interview, former Senior Counselor to former President Donald J. Trump, Kellyanne Conway, is speaking out against her own husband. As it has been documented, Kellyanne and her husband, George Conway, sit at two opposite ends of the political spectrum.

While Kellyanne is a member of the Republican Party, her husband is a member of the Democratic Party. Now, Kellyanne is wondering if their marriage can survive their differences.

Kellyanne Conway Says Her Husband’s Criticism of Donald Trump Broke Their Wedding Vows

Kellyanne Conway Says Her Husband’s Criticism of Donald Trump Broke Their Wedding Vows

According to People, Kellyanne has released a memoir called Here’s the Deal, which is out now. And in the memoir, Kellyanne talks about it all. From growing up in New Jersey to moving to Washington D.C., where her historic career began, the mom of four talks about it all.

However, perhaps one of the most interesting segments of the book is the one where Kellyanne talks about her marriage to George Conway. Kellyanne and George wed in 2001.

In the memoir, Kellyanne admits, “George and I may not survive.” Kellyanne said she felt cheated by her husband’s public criticism of her boss, Donald Trump. 

“George is the one who encouraged me, almost insisted that I take my shot in 2016,” Conway said of her decision to accept Trump’s job offer. And he did what he could to allow Kellyanne to succeed, People reports.

“[George] made good on his commitment to help more around the house with the kids that allowed me to be the campaign manager at that level,” Kellyanne wrote. She then said, “Look, many people say without Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump will not have been elected president. That’s debatable. …But what is never in doubt is that without George Conway encouraging — if not insisting — that I take my shot in 2016, I could not have been this successful campaign manager at the level of which I was.”

However, according to Conway, that wasn’t enough. And claimed that his more than 100,000 tweets—many of which were aimed at Trump—felt like “cheating by tweeting.” “His daily deluge of insults violated our marriage vows to ‘love, honor, and cherish’ each other.”

And while it may seem strange that Kellyanne feels so strongly about the disdain George has for Trump, she attempts to clarify her feelings. “George does not need to support or vote for or want Donald Trump to be the president. That is never the case. Let me make that explicitly clear,” Kellyanne states before adding that George could have expressed his disapproval in different, less public ways.

Kellyanne admits she would have preferred that they come to an understanding through “private conversation,” admitting she may have even been willing to find a way to “transition out of the White House.” “But that didn’t happen,” Conway wrote, as People reports, admitting that she has found it hard to “compete with George’s Twitter fling.”

In the afterword, as People reports, Kellyanne addressed her relationship with her husband again, seemingly issuing a warning to other couples who don’t share similar political viewpoints. 

“I will be ever grateful to have built a life and a family together. Nothing can change or touch that. George has been kind and generous to my family, who is his family, too. Come what may, the ugliness of differing politics is no match for the beauty of shared parenthood. Take it from me.”

While talking with People, Kellyanne added that she will “pick love anytime, but love must come with respect, and it must come with privacy. And it must come with a modicum of class and dignity.” However, George is still using his Twitter privileges to share his opinions.

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As Mamas Uncut previously reported, George wasn’t the only member of Kellyanne’s family who publicly spoke out against Trump via social media. One of her daughters, Claudia, gained a substantial amount of TikTok fame while speaking out against Trump and at times, her own mom.

Kellyanne did not address her daughter’s social media usage while talking with People. It remains unclear how politics affected Kellyanne’s relationship with Claudia and her other three children.

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