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Katie Price Slams Man Who Sent Out a Video in Blackface Mocking Her Disabled Son

Katie Price Slams Man Who Sent Out a Video in Blackface Mocking Her Disabled Son


After a man openly wore blackface and mocked the son of a well-known British reality star and model, the mama bear is now speaking out. As the video, which Katie Price shared on her personal Instagram account as “a reminder of what these disgusting people did to Harvey and me,” shows, a man is seen wearing blackface while openly mocking Price’s oldest child Harvey, who is legally blind and has a learning disability.

In her statement, Price was obviously upset with the courts ruling to drop the charges against 52-year-old Phil Lewer. “…racist, mocking Harvey’s eyes, mocking his speech mocking his mouth and charges have been dropped on these two as not enough evidence,” the famous mom wrote on Instagram.

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According to the Independent, Lewer was found “not guilty of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing message.” According to Lewer, the video—which circulated on WhatsApp in November 2020—“was sent as a joke.”

However, as Katie Price continued in her statement, this video is all the evidence anyone should need. “To me, it shows racism by painting his face, mocking an innocent disabled child, making a video knowing they wanted a reaction! Unfortunately, the guy who retired this thought it was funny and got let off!”

(Warning: This video contains crude and insensitive images and language.)

Katie Price Slams Man in Blackface Mocking Her Disabled Son

Last week, Price also took to Instagram to share a photo of herself and Harvey along with a plea to end online bullying. After thanking local police for the effort they put into this particular case, Price wrote that the government needs to do more when it comes to “faceless keyboard warriors.”

“It is unheard of for a stranger to walk down the street hurling racial or similar abuse at a complete stranger,” Price continued. “The government needs to take urgent action TO STOP  these faceless keyboard warriors from emotionally harming innocent and vulnerable people from the safety and comfort of their own home.”

“Trolling and online abuse is unacceptable, Harvey’s Law and Track a Troll are steps towards the much needed regulation of online behaviour. I hope that today’s case has shone a spotlight on the issues that need urgently addressing and that those found guilty of these actions will now be held accountable by law. Today’s outcome was indeed a blow and only drives me onwards to fight for what is right – for justice.”

Katie Price concluded both of her statements with a plea for others to join her in her fight against online bullying by asking people to sign her Track a Troll petition. Harvey has since turned 19 in May.

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