Mamas Uncut

This 5-Year-Old Girl Hosted a Bake Sale in Order to Raise Money to Pay off 123 of Her Classmates’ School Meal Debts

One little girl had a particularly lovely way of making her classmates’ holiday season merry and bright.

Katelynn Hardee, 5, decided to host a bake sale in order to raise money to pay off 123 of her classmates’ lunch debts at school. Katelynn sold cookies, cider, and cocoa outside of her Vista, California school in order to raise money for her schoolmates.

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5-year-old Katelynn Hardee hosted a bake sale to raise money in order to pay off her classmates’ school lunch debts.

The idea came to the kindergartner after she overheard a mom at school talking about their financial issues.

“She started asking me a lot of questions and I just tried to explain to her that sometimes people aren’t as fortunate and that we need to try to be kind and give when we can,” Karina Hardee, the girl’s mother, told CNN.

Katelynn Hardee was able to raise $80 from her bake sale which she gave to the school to help pay off some of the student’s meal debt.

“Everybody is just so proud and happy and other students are already talking about ways they can also make a difference,” the school’s principal Lori Higley told CNN. “It goes to show that even one small, kind act from a 5-year-old can mean the difference for someone in their life.”

Katelynn Hardee: This 5-Year-Old Girl Hosted a Bake Sale in Order to Raise Money to Pay off 123 of Her Classmates' School Meal Debts
Source: Karina Hardee

Katelynn plans to continue hosting bake sales so that she can help other students pay off their meal debt.

“It’s all about kindness,” her mother told CNN. “Especially this holiday season, and with everything that’s going on in the world, we just need a little bit more kindness out there.”

A small act goes a long way!

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