Mamas Uncut

Kate Middleton Volunteers in a Maternity Ward at a Local London Hospital, Praises Nurses and Midwives in Open Letter

Kensington Palace/Instagram

Following a secret visit to a maternity ward at a London hospital in November, Kate Middleton wrote a letter to the midwives she met during her visit.

According to E! News, during her time in the maternity unit of Kingston Hospital, Middleton spent two days volunteering in support of a charity she works closely with called the Early Years project, which focuses on how a child’s first years of life can affect the adults they become later on.

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Kate Middleton Praises Midwives for Their Compassion in New Letter

Middleton said of the charity in past statements, “In recent years, I have focused much of my work on the early years and how instrumental they are for outcomes later in life. I believe that spending time outdoors when we are young can play a role in laying the foundations for children to become happy, healthy adults.”

In the letter about her experience volunteering at the hospital, Middleton praised the midwives she encountered over those two days, praising them for the important and positive impact they have on moms and children.

Kate Middleton Writes Letter After Volunteering w/ Midwives
Kensington Palace/Instagram

The mom chose to work closely with the midwives after the World Health Organization called 2020 the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife,” in celebration of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, People reports.

Part of the letter read, “Although this was not my first encounter with the care and kindness provided by midwives across the country, it gave me a broader insight into the true impact you have on everybody you help.”

Kensington Palace/Instagram

Middleton added, “The early years are more critical for future health and happiness than any other moment in our lifetime. Even before we are born, our mother’s emotional and physical health directly influences our development and by the age of five, a child’s brain has developed to 90 percent of its adult size. Your role at the very start of this period is therefore of fundamental importance.” She then continued:

“During my time at Kingston I accompanied community midwives on their daily rounds and was welcomed in to people’s homes. I was truly touched by the trust that people placed in me, sharing their experiences and voicing their fears openly. I also spent time in hospital clinics and on post-natal wards. No matter the setting, I was continually struck by the compassion that those of you I spent time with showed, and the incredible work ethic you demonstrated on behalf of your entire profession – not only performing your rounds but working tirelessly through the night to support people that were at their most vulnerable.”

The mom of Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis then commended the midwives for never asking “for praise or for recognition but instead unwaveringly continue your amazing work bringing new life into our world.”

Kensington Palace/Instagram

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“You continue to demonstrate that despite your technical mastery and the advancement of modern medicine, it is the human to human relationships and simple acts of kindness that sometimes mean the most.”

The letter concluded with Middleton by thanking the midwives for opening up their doors to her and said she’s looking forward to working with them more in the near future.

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