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Kate Hudson says song she wrote for her son on her new album ‘rips her heart out’

Kate hudson


“It’s the strongest love I’ve ever had.”

That’s how iconic actress Kate Hudson describes her feelings toward her oldest son, Ryder. And now she’s sharing with the world the song she wrote for him.

In an interview with CBS This Morning, Hudson is stepping into the music world and preparing to release her first album, titled Glorious next month. One of the songs on her debut album describes the moment she became a mom for the first time.

As CBS This Morning reports, it’s a song “that truly rips her heart out.”

“He was everything to me and then soon there would be three,” Kate Hudson croons in the song. “And you came and changed by life.”

It was a song she wrote two years ago, right around the time Ryder was preparing to leave the nest and head off to college. A memory that made Hudson get choked up while talking with CBS This Morning.

“So here I was writing this album and my son,” Hudson explains before trailing off as her emotions got the best of her. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, my whole adult life I’ve had this incredible partner and now I have to say goodbye.”

“So that’s really all of the things I was thinking about in this song,” Hudson continued. “You and I will be forever. You know, go and thrive. Take everything on. You know have fun, but I’m right here.”

Kate Hudson was 24 years old when became a mom for the first time, welcoming Ryder into the world in January 2004.

Now 45, Hudson finally feels ready to take on this new adventure, admitting she’s been “poorly” writing music her whole life. “I just don’t care anymore about what people think, probably,” she said about her decision to put out her debut album.

“It was never right, whether it was my own stuff or feeling afraid to mess up my movie career — just never felt right. Until now. I’m just doing it.”

And while it may be surprising to hear Kate Hudson is putting out an album after having an illustrious acting career, Hudson is the daughter of The Hudson Brothers‘ frontman Bill Hudson. “Those Hudson Brothers are crazy-talented musicians and wonderful songwriters. My dad’s a great songwriter,” she said, so it’s in her DNA.

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