Mamas Uncut

Check Out the ‘Karen’ Halloween Mask That Will Strike Fear in Every Retail Employee’s Heart


If you’re not familiar, a “Karen” is a term for a privileged white lady who yells at people for just about any reason. A Karen is a person who always needs to “speak with a manager.” Karens can be found in the wild screaming at employees in the service industry, chiding a black family for barbecuing in a public park, or famously, calling the cops on a birdwatcher in Central Park.

If she sounds like a monster to you, you’re going to love this Karen mask from the artist, Jason Adcock. Yes, all of the “Karen” memes we’ve shared over the last few years have culminated in a terrifying creation that’s arrived just in time for Halloween.

Meet the “Karen” mask, the perfect nightmare-fuel that’s sure to turn heads this Halloween.

She’s sporting the Karen-cut, the iconic bloodshot eyes, bonedry skin, and a grimace we’ve all come to associate with this genre of angry-white-privilege-monster. This mask will make children, store managers, and 911 operators cry in the blink of an eye. Actually, this mask would make just about anyone cry! It’s horrific.

The mask was created by Los Angeles-based artist Jason Adcock, who you might know from his incredible bearded drag looks (that have gone viral a couple of times now).

In addition to having an excellent beard and looking great in a dress, Adcock is also a talented makeup and special effects artist. It’s clear these talents were put to great use when creating the Karen disguise. The mask strikes the perfect balance of looking realistic while also being a caricature. It’s downright uncanny!

Shortly after the Adcock posted the first image of the Halloween mask, comments began pouring in. People praised the artist for coming up with such an original and funny idea for a certain type of monster.

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“All she’s missing is a mobile phone attached to her ear,” joked one Instagram user about a Karen’s desire to phone the authorities.

“You are the MVP of 2020!” another person added. “This is so [d*mn] hilarious!!!!! I never thought me as a black man wanted to be a white woman for Halloween until now!”

“This is perfection!!!!” another commenter plainly put it.

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The Halloween mask is available for purchase on Etsy.

Karen Halloween Mask

If you want to behave poorly in public and ruin an innocent bystander’s day in true Karen style, grab one of these latex rubber masks from Etsy. Wear your most basic office-casual circa 2005 outfit and you’re good to go! No monster can hold a candle to the real-life monsters out there.

Note: Not all women named Karen are bad. However, anyone can act like this stereotype. If you see friends behaving badly, correct them and ask them to change that behavior. If you see a stranger threatening people at a park, store, restaurant, or anywhere, call them out. If you feel the urge to call the police, ask yourself: “is dialing an emergency number really the best remedy for this situation?” If it’s not an emergency, don’t call 911. There are often other ways to resolve conflicts that will be safer and easier for all parties involved.

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