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Kanye West Posted A Controversial Text About His Daughters And People Are Beyond Upset

Kanye West Posted A Controversial Text About His Daughters And People Are Beyond Upset | Kanye West is raising eyebrows after he shared a text message about his daughters that he received from rapper, The Game.

Kanye West is raising eyebrows after he shared a text message about his daughters that he received from rapper, The Game.

The rapper alleges how Kim and her family of using North to “trigger” Ye’s instincts as a father.

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“They know that’s your only trigger. They aren’t using the other kids because they aren’t old enough & are pretty much babies. Saint on Tik Tok wouldn’t trigger you as much because he’s your son & and our boys have US in them,” he wrote.

“North & Chi pull on your heart strings the most because they are delicate children. They’re girls & we our protectors due to our knowledge of women being abused in this world,” the text concludes.

Kanye sharing these messages comes weeks after he was called out for “fixating” on the girls and women in his life, namely Kim and his two daughters.

This led to fans discussing Kanye’s parenting his daughters, which some felt came from an “obsession” with women’s appearances and control.

One user posted to Reddit asking how folks felt about Kanye’s comments about North/Chi looking “grown.”

“I think Kanye and most men are just projecting who THEY used to be and the behavior they loathe themselves for, so they believe they need to protect their daughters from men who think and act like they do. In reality, our f***** up repressed system and content and lack of education and patriarchy is the real reason men subject us to this and don’t believe there is another way of being,” one user wrote.

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While another said: “I think this thought is particularly common among black people, religious or not. Little black girls grow up hearing stuff like this all the time, and even judging other little girls for looking grown as we get older. For example, a black girl straightening her hair can be seen as ‘grown’ smh. It’s mostly because there is that one weird family member who has touched somebody else so instead of never talking to the family member, daughters are trained on how to not be a victim. It’s honestly sad af.”

“I had the same experience growing up,” another user shared. “No matter how hot it was, I always had to wear long sleeves and pants at home, because of my brothers and dad. I remember my dad tried to make me wear sweaters during the summer because he could see the outline of my bra through my shirt. I refused and he was so angry and acted like I was disgusting.”

“I feel like my father’s contempt for me having a female body has characterized my relationship with him since I hit puberty. Like you, it made me feel so unsafe and messed up my ability to interact with men. I feel like I see all men as potential rapists, and it’s so exhausting to be scared all the time,” the user continued.

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