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Kanye West On Kim Kardashian’s Pregnancy With North, Supporting Trump And God: ‘I Made Me And Our Family A Target’

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West 'Are Not Calling The Divorce Off' Despite Sharing The Stage For Donda

Image via Shutterstock

Kanye West is addressing some of his past controversial “misactions” in pursuit of winning back estranged wife, Kim Kardashian.

At the Los Angeles Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving event this past week, Kanye decided to take a moment to talk about his family. This is the second time that Kanye has spoken on the split since Kim filed for divorce back in February this year.

“The narrative God wants is to see that we can be redeemed in all these relationships,” he began. “We’ve made mistakes. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve publicly done things that were not acceptable as a husband.”

“But right now today, for whatever reason — I didn’t know I was going to be in front of this mic — but I’m here to change the narrative.”

“I’m not letting E! write the narrative of my family. I’m not letting Hulu write the narrative of my family,” Kanye continued. “I am the priest of my home.”

“I have to be next to my children as much as possible,” he said. “So, when I’m out the house, I got a house right next to the house. I’m doing everything to be right next to the situation.”

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“I’m trying to express this in the most sane way possible, the most calm way possible,” he went on. “I need to be back at home.”

“If the enemy can separate Kimye, there’s going to be millions of families that feel like that separation is OK,” Kanye continued.

“But when the kingdom, when God brings Kimye together, there’s going to be millions of families that are going to be influenced to see that they can overcome the work of the separation, of trauma the devil has used to capitalize to keep people in misery,” he added.

“All I think about every day is how I get my family back together, and how I heal the pain that I’ve caused,” Kanye shared.

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“I take accountability for my actions… new word alert: ‘misactions,’” Kanye shared. “The one thing that all my successes and failures have in common is me.”

“Good Lord, my wife did not like me wearing the red hat,” he said, referring to the MAGA hat he wore publicly while supporting Trump.

“Being a good wife, she just wanted to protect me and our family,” he said. “I made me and our family a target by not aligning with Hollywood’s political stance, and that was hard for our marriage.”

“I embarrassed my wife in the way that I presented information about our family, during the one — and thank God only — press conference,” he said, seemingly referring to the comments about discussing aborting North.

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