Mamas Uncut

Two-Year-Old Dies After Being Left Alone in Hot Car for Nearly Five Hours Because Her Mom Fell Asleep While Drinking

Another young child has died after being left alone in a car. June Love Agosto, 2, died after being left strapped in her car seat, in a heated car for nearly five hours while wearing a blanket and with the windows rolled up. The girl’s body was over 107 degrees when she was found.

The tragic death occurred after the girl’s mother allegedly fell asleep after she had been drinking with a friend in a nearby vehicle. Police have questioned the mother, but no formal charges have been filed.

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Hours later, the mother woke up and went back to her car to find her daughter covered in vomit and with burns on her face, chest, and arms, according to the police report.

June Love Agosto: Toddler Dies in Hot Car
CREDIT: Agosto Family

Police also allege that the mom then took June out of the car and sprayed her off with water in an attempt to cool her down. June was taken to the hospital where doctors tried to resuscitate her to no avail.

RELATED: This Is the Science Explaining How Parents Leave Their Children in Hot Cars

June’s grandmother, Helen Hernandez, spoke to FOX 11, about her grandchild’s death, saying, “June Love was a beautiful baby, she deserved a good life. She deserved to grow up, go to school.”

CREDIT: Agosto Family

“Our family is broken, we just need prayers and we’re just broken,” June’s godmother, Jessica Peterson-Burns told FOX 11.

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The family has set-up a GoFundMe page to raise money to cover the funeral costs. To date, it has raised more than $7,700.

This page is being set up on behalf of my Cousin Garry who has experienced the worse loss ever of his daughter June Love Agosto.  June was just 2 years old, full of life and loved by so many.  Unfortunately, a tragedy occurred and beautiful June has become an Angel in Heaven.  Any donation is greatly appreciated as they will help to pay for funeral services.

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