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Washington State Woman Arrested For Allegedly Posing as a Photographer and Drugging a New Mom in an Attempt to Kidnap Her Baby

Juliette Parker: Washington State Woman Arrested For Allegedly Posing as a Photographer and Drugging a Mom in an Attempt to Kidnap Her Baby

In a bizarre case, a Washington state woman was arrested for allegedly drugging a mom after police say she posed as a photographer in an attempt to steal the woman’s infant.

Juliette Parker, 38, was arrested last week, along with her 16-year-old daughter, for the kidnapping plot and assault. She has pleaded not guilty. Parker is currently in jail, while her daughter is currently at a juvenile detention center on the same charges. According to The Gazette, Parker moved to Washington last year after she ran (and lost) for mayor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The complicated plot began when Parker joined a mom’s group on Facebook and offered to do free photoshoots for newborns, claiming she wanted to “build her portfolio,” according to court documents.

Parker wrote in the post, “If you have a new baby that’s less than 14 days old or at least 37 weeks pregnant, comment below with a pic of your cute baby or baby bump.”

About a dozen women replied to her offer, including Elysia Miller, whose home Parker and her daughter visited in early February under the guise of photographing Miller and her daughter. The new mom told police that the mother and daughter pressured her to eat cupcakes they had brought, though after taking a bite she immediately felt her body go numb. She asked Parker and her daughter to leave.

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Jackson and her daughter agreed to leave, though they wiped the glasses they had used and took the victim’s keys before heading out, according to court documents.

The victim called 911 as soon as they left and doctors confirmed that she had been drugged.

Police have found records of Parker discussing plans to kidnap a child previously. In a text exchange between Parker and an ex-boyfriend, they discussed kidnapping “a kid from a homeless person and raise the child together in a nice house.”

Since Parker’s arrest, over a dozen women contacted the local police department to report that Parker came to their home to photograph their babies. The women told police that Parker and her daughter conducted themselves in the same way – wiping drinking glasses and surfaces of their fingerprints and taking selfies with the babies, according to The Washington Post.

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