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Pregnant Joy-Anna Duggar Remembers Her Daughter On the 1-Year Anniversary of Her Miscarriage

Pregnant Joy-Anna Duggar Remembers Her Daughter On the 1-Year Anniversary of Her Miscarriage

Joy-Anna Forsyth/Instagram

On June 26, Joy-Anna Forsyth took to Instagram to share photos of her time in the hospital after she miscarried her daughter in 2019. As she revealed several days after that heartbreaking moment in her life, she and her husband Austin Forsyth choose to name their daughter Annabell Elise.

Days after delivering Annabell, Joy-Anna opened up about the miscarriage on Instagram and even shared photos of their daughter as well.

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“We only had her for 20 weeks, Life is fragile and precious. So thankful the Lord gave her to us for that short time! She will be in our hearts forever!” As she shared in an additional post, the had gone in for their 20-week ultrasound to learn her gender when it was learned she no longer had a heartbeat.

Now on the one-year anniversary of the miscarriage, Joy-Anna is remembering her baby girl. Along with photos that were taken at the hospital that day, the pregnant mom wrote about the sorrow she felt after losing Annabell.

“One year without her,” Joy-Anna wrote on Instagram. “It’s been a year since we found out that we lost Annabell. I remember leaving our ultrasound appointment, sobbing and wondering how we were ever going to move forward, and so fearful of having to deliver her.”

“It hurts to look back at these pictures and remember the pain and heartbreak, but when I do look back I am so thankful for how far we’ve come… how God has given us more joy, peace, and healing than I ever thought we would have again. We love you, Annabell Elise! Thank you for all of your prayers and love for our family over this past year.”

Now Joy-Anna, Austin, and their son Gideon are patiently awaiting the arrival of the daughter she is pregnant with now.

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At 8 months pregnant, the couple is expecting their rainbow baby’s arrival sometime in early August. The couple announced the pregnancy in March.

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