Mamas Uncut

Joy-Anna Duggar Shares Baby Bump Photo After Confirming Pregnancy and Revealing Gender


Finally, some good news! Joy-Anna Duggar and husband Austin Forsyth announced they are pregnant on March 18th. The excellent news follows a rocky couple of years for the couple after losing their unborn daughter Annabelle 9 months ago.

The couple shared a video that documents the early days of the pregnancy along with a couple of new photos that feature Duggar’s beautiful baby bump. Duggar and Forsyth have a cute 2-year-old boy named Gideon and we suspect he’s going to be a very helpful big brother.

Joy-Anna Duggar shared a new picture of her baby bump on Friday.

In a new Instagram post, Duggar shared an image of herself in profile with a prominent baby bump. She captioned the post, “Nineteen weeks!”

Duggar is due to give birth on August 19th, she revealed in a video that celebrates the good news. However, the couple did have a bit of a scare when Duggar was just 8 weeks pregnant.

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In a video documenting the early days of the pregnancy, Duggar said she worried about the pregnancy’s viability.

Only two months after taking a pregnancy test and finding out she was pregnant, Duggar noticed some unusual “spotting” and spoke to her doctor immediately. The doctor ran some tests and delivered less than ideal news to the excited couple.

The doctor explained that hormone levels were off and that Duggar might be experiencing a molar pregnancy. According to the Mayo Clinic, “A molar pregnancy — also known as hydatidiform mole — is a rare complication of pregnancy characterized by the abnormal growth of trophoblasts, the cells that normally develop into the placenta.”

The news Duggar’s doctor delivered brought back painful memories of her miscarriage 9 months ago.

In the video, Duggar expressed concern about the news and feared for her pregnancy’s viability. She was told by the doctor to wait another two weeks and to see how things were developing. The couple anxiously waited to hear back from the physician but were hopeful for good news.

She says in the video, “It’s just been really hard because on one side we want to be so excited for this baby and at the same time, we have all these fears of like, well what if it’s like, going through all of this again after going through it with Annabell. It’s been a very difficult few weeks.”

Fortunately, the doctor had some great news to deliver at 10 weeks. Duggar and Forsyth were told their pregnancy was viable and that things had normalized. What relief this couple must have felt.

The doctor didn’t just deliver good news about the pregnancy, the baby’s gender was also revealed.

Joy-Anna Duggar Pregnancy Details and Gender Reveal
FollowtheForsyths / Youtube

In true Duggar style, Forsyth and Duggar gathered as many of the Duggar clan as they could to do an epic gender reveal. Duggar’s doctor had found out the baby’s gender as a result of testing they had completed. It came as a pleasant surprise to Duggar who hadn’t expected to find out the gender for some time.

The gender reveal included wholesome snacks for the family and a huddle in a field. Overhead, a helicopter flew in and dumped pink confetti on the family. Duggar is expecting a baby girl in five months.

We’re all for this good news and hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.

Duggar, 22 and Forsyth, 26 are a young growing family and we could not be happier for them. We also appreciate any mother with a platform sharing their pregnancy journey. At times, pregnancy can be scary. Feeling of guilt, fear, and even shame can be unavoidable.

She explained in the video, “It’s been quite the crazy journey these last few months, but we are so thankful that mom and baby are healthy!”

We’re glad that Joy-Anna Duggar brought us and others along for the ride and let us see some of the more difficult moments of her pregnancy. While the gender reveal section of the video she shared was joyful, the moments of uncertainty are equally important.

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