Mamas Uncut

Forensic Analysis Revealed the Same Password Was Used to Access Child Porn That Was Once Used to Access Duggar Family Instagram

The newest piece of shocking information to come out of Josh Duggar’s child pornography trial is the connection between the password the 33-year-old father of seven allegedly used for the disturbing images and the Duggar Family’s Instagram account, People has reported.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Duggar is on trial after being charged with possessing files that depicted child sexual abuse. According to investigators, Duggar was known to have allegedly downloaded the files on May 14, 15, and 16 in 2019. Reports suggest Duggar used his workplace computer to house the disturbing images.

Josh Duggar

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He has maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. While a lot of information has so far come out about Josh Duggar’s past since his trial began on November 30, perhaps this piece of information is the one that forces people to question the defense’s game plan.

Since the beginning, Josh Duggar’s legal team has argued that other people had access to Josh’s work computer around the time the images were downloaded. However, during his testimony, the Director of the Department of Justice’s High Technology Investigative Unit, James Fottrell, detailed the findings of his forensic investigation.

Forensic Analysis Revealed the Same Password Josh Duggar Used to Access Child Porn Was Once Used to Access Duggar Family Instagram

As People reports, Fottrell was responsible for combing through Josh Duggar’s personal MacBook, his iPhone, and his HP desktop that was housed in his work office. During his testimony, Fottrell revealed that while searching the saved passwords on Josh’s devices he discovered that the password used to protect a portion of his HP desktop, the portion that housed the child pornography images, was the same password once used to protect the family’s Instagram account at one time.

According to Fottrell, the password was revealed to be “intel1988,” 1988 is the year Josh Duggar was born. As the director continued, he said saved passwords revealed that Josh had used that password, or variations of that password to protect other accounts he owned. 

That same password was discovered on his personal MacBook. Fottrell said “intel1988” was a password Duggar had used since at least 2014. 

Additionally, according to People, Fottrell also testified that text messages and geotagged images place Duggar’s cell phone “at or near his work computer at the time the Linux partition was being downloaded and that the child porn was being accessed.”

As People reports, “The windows of time ranged from just two minutes to over an hour. In one example, Fottrell said Duggar’s phone had photos taken on the car lot at 5:58 p.m. on May 13 — 11 minutes after the Linux partition was installed on the desktop.”

In another piece of testimony, Fottrell also revealed that after going deeper into the “partitioned” part of Duggar’s computer, he was able to find “remnants” of dozens of images of child sexual abuse, including videos. During his investigation, Fottrell uncovered deleted evidence of streamed videos titled “pedomom” and “Daisy’s Destruction.”

Fottrell revealed that “Daisy’s Destruction” revealed the torture of an infant, calling it “among the ‘most offensive’ he had seen in his career,” People reported. At the behest of Josh’s team, the judge asked the jury to disregard Fottrell’s opinion of the video because it was not fact.

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