Mamas Uncut

Josh Duggar’s Ex, Kaeleigh Holt Tull, Forced to Change Her Relationship With Social Media After His Guilty Verdict

One of Josh Duggar’s ex-girlfriends is speaking out following his guilty verdict about how it is forcing her to change her relationship with social media. According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Kaeleigh Holt Tull was in a courtship with Duggar prior to his marriage to his wife, Anna Duggar.

Both Tull and Josh were teenagers during their courtship. Tull is Bobye Holt’s daughter, the woman who testified on behalf of the prosecution during his child pornography trial.

As the Reality Roundup reported, Tull, who is married with five children of her own, spoke out for the first time since her ex was found guilty of downloading and possessing child pornography on her Instagram Story. The website detailed the contents of Tull’s statement.

“I try to keep parts of my past more private and just talk about my life now,” Tull said in her video message to her followers. “But I feel like what’s been happening in the last week or so has kind of forced me to say things and talk about it.”

As a result, Tull is making changes to her social media presence moving forward.

As the mom continued, she reiterated how her family has been friends with the Duggar family for roughly 36 years. Tull’s parents were leaders of the church the Duggar’s attended. 

Kaeleigh Holt Tull, Forced to Change Her Relationship With Social Media After His Guilty Verdict

That is why Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar turned to Bobye Holt for guidance and mentoring when it was revealed that Josh Duggar molested several minor girls when he was a teenager. At least four of the girls he violated were his own sisters.

“Many of you who are on here know that my family grew up with the Duggars and we were inseparable at one point. Many of you know about my past relationship. And that didn’t really get talked about; it was kept quiet for most of my life until recently.”

And while Tull hoped to keep her past with Josh private, she understands why her mother brought it up in court. “Obviously, when you’re under oath you tell the truth,” Tull told her Instagram followers.

“My closest friends know, but I didn’t really want it broadcasted everywhere, but it’s kind of been happening without me really pursuing that. So I have felt like I had to talk about it, which is OK. I’m not ashamed of it.”

During Holt’s testimony, she revealed that she hoped her daughter and Josh would one day get married. Nonetheless, Josh and Tull broke up after his behavior was revealed.

While Tull didn’t expressly talk about Josh or their former relationship, Tull admitted she’s going to be a bit more private going forward, considering many of her followers are due to the fact that she was family friends with the Duggars. She doesn’t want her past to affect her own family’s future.

“I am going to keep a lot of my life private. I’m going to keep my children’s lives private. And I am attempting to, not really go too much in-depth about my thoughts…now I feel like I have to be more careful about what I say and more discreet to keep my family’s privacy.”

Do you blame her?

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