Mamas Uncut

Jordin Sparks Say She and Husband Are “One and Done”

Sometimes “one and done” is exactly what’s right for your family. Singer Jordin Sparks revealed in a recent interview that she and husband Dana Isaiah have decided to stop at just one child. The couple have been kept very busy with their two-and-a-half-year-old son Dana Isaiah Jr. – who goes by DJ – as well as upcoming projects like performing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Sparks praised her little boy, who keeps the American Idol season six winner on her toes.

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“It’s a lot to keep him entertained, and we have these full-on conversations. So for me, I’m like, ‘You know what? I know, mentally, I could not handle two of these conversations right now,’ ” Sparks told People in a recent interview. “He’s got cousins, he’s got friends. He’s good! And it’s not because it’s a crazy time, in that he’s in his twos or anything — it doesn’t have anything to do with that. I’m just like, ‘Yeah, one is good.’ “

Sparks and her family have been keeping busy during the pandemic, spending a lot of time in their backyard.

“We have a pool and he loves being in the water, so anything that we can do with water [he loves],” Sparks said.  “He wants to help me wash the dishes, he wants to step in a puddle, he wants his little splash pad, he wants to pour water into cups, he wants to go swimming. Those are all things that we can do at the house, so I’m really grateful that one of his favorite activities is that, ’cause we can definitely provide that!”

Like everyone, the singer’s life has changed over the past eight months. They are less social and spending the majority of their time at home, though they’ve “been able to work some things out” so that DJ can be social.

Jordin Sparks Say She and Husband Are "One and Done"

“It has been a really crazy year, but there are a lot of blessings if we take the time to look for them,” she said. I’ve been in a constant state of gratitude for my health, for the roof over my head, for my family, my family’s health. It’s been nuts, but it’s been good at the same time.”

For the holidays, the singer and her husband have decided to take precautions to see Isaiah’s family whom they have seen in nearly a year.

“We’ll obviously follow all the rules, wear a mask, all those things, and make sure that we’re all tested and safe,” Sparks said. “There’s a new nephew that was born during this time, and I’m really excited to squeeze him and give him all the kisses ever ’cause he’s so cute and I can’t wait to see him in person!”

Sparks will also be appearing in this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade where she’ll be riding on a Kalahari float that is “African-inspired.” Right after Thanksgiving, Sparks will also be sharing her latest project with fans worldwide: Her new album, Cider & Hennessy drops Friday, November 27. The holiday album is something the star has been wanting to do for awhile.

“I’ve always wanted to put out a Christmas album, so the fact that it came this year, out of the blue — it just came out of nowhere, just so inspired. I’m really excited for people to hear it,” Sparks said.

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