Mamas Uncut

Jordan Davis ‘Adds a Few Limbs to the Family Tree,’ Expects Son This Fall

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Jordan Davis is adding another kiddo to his brood!

Davis, 33, revealed this past Monday how he and his wife, Kristen, are expecting their second child —- and a boy no less!

Jordan Davis Adds a Few Limbs to the Family Tree Expects Son
Image via Instagram

The couple can be seen holding their 8-month-old daughter Eloise Larkin, along with a sign reading “It’s a Boy.” Davis catpioned the photo saying: “Add a few limbs to the family tree…”

Davis also joked, saying: “add me to the list of artists putting out new music and having kids during quarantine.”

Davis and Kristen are expecting their son in early fall.

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Just last year, Davis shared how he was ready to have a son — that is, until his daughter Eloise was born. Yup, that’s right, Jordan Davis is a girl dad through and through!

“The second you see her, you know your life has forever changed,” Davis said. “It’s just this crazy feeling that all dads know. She came out and I just completely lost it. I’m definitely a girl dad. I just love the hell out of her.”

And when it comes to Kristen, Davis says she is the most amazing mother anyone could ask for.

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“It’s almost like it happens overnight and it blows my mind,” Davis said of his practicing attorney-wife. “All of a sudden, you look at your wife and she becomes this amazing mom right before your eyes.”

Davis, who released his debut album, Home State, in March 2018, added how at the time — his personal life was becoming just as amazing as his professional one.

“It really is the perfect storm,” Davis shares. “I’m super blessed and thankful. We are really having the time of our lives.”

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