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Jon Gosselin Recovers From COVID and Shares Message to Estranged Kids

Jon Gosselin Has Message For Estranged Kids

Jon Gosselin is on the mend after a severe case of COVID-19 and sharing his hopes of a future with all of his eight children.

“Just tell them I love them and I’m just thinking of the future more,” Jon said during an interview. “I hope they develop a relationship with Hannah and Collin. I hope that one day I can be part of your life. I’m glad that I got a second chance.”

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Jon Gosselin Shares a Message of Hope for his Estranged Children

“I was more concerned about myself in the hospital and getting better and getting back to my family,” Jon continued. “That’s another surreal part of my life that I have developed a thick skin around to move forward to just help Hannah and Collin right now since they live with me. Those are things that I want to build towards.”

In an interview on the The Dr Oz Show, Gosselin shared that he was taken to the hospital when his fever reached 104.8 degrees.

“I was in a wheelchair. I had to wait in the ER,” Jon explained. “It was packed, like the hospital was full, and then they put me on a gurney and put me in the hallway in the waiting room, so I could get a temporary room, and then once they evaluated me and once they drew my blood and did all my blood work, all of a sudden I’m getting antibiotics, steroids, and a plasma antibody transfusion for COVID. It happened really fast.”

We’re glad that Jon is on the mend and wish him the best as he attempts to heal his relationship with his children.

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