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Jon Gosselin Hospitalized After Nasty Spider Bite: ‘I’ve Never Been Bit By a Spider in My Whole Life Unless You Count Kate’

Despite Two Brushes With Death, Jon Gosselin Says He Still Hadn't Heard From 6 of 8 Kids: 'There's a Disconnect'

YouTube/Dr. Oz

Jon Gosselin has revealed that he is in “excruciating pain.” According to E! News, Gosselin was bit by a venomous spider while he was sleeping. 

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, in August, Gosselin and his longtime partner Colleen Conrad went their separate ways. As Gosselin told The Sun, just before Thanksgiving, he was finally ready to get back out there when this happened.

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Jon Gosselin Hospitalized After Nasty Spider Bite

“It was my first real single weekend. I was totally ready to open up and meet new people and start fresh. But I woke after a night of music and fun and went to stand up only to fall back down on the bed. I was in excruciating pain.”

Gosselin continued to tell The Sun that after falling he looked at his leg and noticed considerable swelling. “It was twice the size and there’s a red-looking blister with a large red circle around it. It kind of looked like a cigarette burn, but really raised.”

Obviously concerned, Gosselin drove himself to the hospital. It was there that Jon Gosselin was told the blister was from being bit by a brown recluse.

“The doc immediately knew the pain was from a brown recluse,” he said. “My entire leg had swollen up from the cellulitis. The doctor told me that I was lucky to come in because if you don’t treat this you can lose limbs or die from a bacterial infection.”

Brown recluse spiders are one of the most dangerous spiders in the United States. According to Penn State Extension, only four of the 11 species of brown recluse spiders are harmful to humans.

Although not native to Pennsylvania where Gosselin was at the time of the bite, it has been known for spiders to migrate in shipping containers to other parts of the country. “It’s crazy because one moment I was DJ-ing and having the best weekend and next thing you know my life was in danger again,” Gosselin said.

As E! News revealed, Jon Gosselin has had a difficult year in terms of his health. As he revealed on The Dr. Oz Show, he also battled a severe case of COVID-19 earlier this year which he thankfully survived.

Nonetheless, Gosselin seemed in good spirits despite his pain cracking a joke about his ex-wife while talking with The Sun. “I’ve never been bit by a spider in my whole life unless you count Kate,” he said. “But all jokes aside, let’s face it, it hasn’t been my year.”

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