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Despite Two Brushes With Death, Jon Gosselin Says He Still Hadn’t Heard From 6 of 8 Kids: ‘There’s a Disconnect’

Despite Two Brushes With Death, Jon Gosselin Says He Still Hadn't Heard From 6 of 8 Kids: 'There's a Disconnect'

YouTube/Dr. Oz

Jon Gosselin is now opening up about how his estranged children responded to the news that he was hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Gosselin was hospitalized and tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing a 104.8-degree fever.

In an interview with The Dr. Oz Show, Gosselin told Dr. Oz that it was his girlfriend Colleen Conrad’s 21-year-old daughter who took him to the hospital when he got dangerously ill in December. At the hospital, Gosselin received antibiotics, steroids and had a plasma antibody transfusion before he was admitted into the hospital and monitored for several days.

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“Then I just remember sleeping, and it was just surreal. Like, ‘What?’ I didn’t even realize why I was there until, like, three days later.”

After he was admitted into the hospital, Gosselin said his daughter Hannah, the only of his five daughters who lives with him, notified her sister Leah of their dad’s status. Still, none of his six other children who live with Kate reached out.

“I didn’t hear from them,” Gosselin told Dr. Oz. Collin, who was placed in a treatment center for years for “behavioral issues,” also lives with Jon.

Gosselin admitted that there’s “just a disconnect” between him and his six children, who still live with Kate. “I can’t really reach out to them, and there are legalities. I can’t, like, go to where they move. It would be trespassing.”

It was shortly after being hospitalized with COVID-19 that Gosselin was readmitted to the hospital again, this time with a blood clot in his leg.

After discussing the severity of his blood clot, Gosselin said had he died in the hospital that day, his biggest regret would have been how he handled his divorce with Kate. He said that he wishes he would have pushed for more contact with his family, admitting he would never have thought his children would go years without speaking to him.

“I thought we would always remain close,” Gosselin told Oz of his relationship with his children.

And yet, despite his estranged children’s reaction, or lack thereof, Jon told Dr. Oz that he still hopes they can mend their broken relationship one day in the future.

“I guess my plight to them, or what I really want to say is, ‘I love you, my door is always open, you’re welcome anytime. There’s no regrets or hard feelings or any of those negative things,’” Gosselin told Dr. Oz. “’You can always come to see me or come see Hannah and Collin.’”

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Gosselin admitted that Collin hasn’t seen his mother in years, and Hannah hasn’t seen Kate in two years. “It’s been a long time.”

We hope Jon Gosselin sees a change in his relationship with his other children soon.

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