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Jon Gosselin And Colleen Conrad Break Up Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Jon Gosselin And Colleen Conrad Break Up Amid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Image via Instagram

Jon Gosselin and Colleen Conrad have broken up amid Conrad’s breast cancer diagnosis.

“It’s hard; it was a big decision. We have been together for seven years, which is a long time, so it’s very upsetting,” Jon revealed. “It’s really hard to even talk about it. When you’re with someone that long, especially in the public eye, and she’s someone private.”

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Conrad decided to share the news in a post to Instagram, detailing how she first discovered her diagnosis.

“I have been putting this off and debated even posting…I went for a mammogram on 4/15. I had put it off for almost 2 1/2 yrs due to lack of time and Covid and later got a call that a mass was found in my right breast. Everything after that happened so fast. Then on 4/21, I got the call that is confirmed it was cancer. Stage 2, breast cancer. I was BRCA1 and 2 negative. Everything seemed so surreal,” Conrad began the post.

“I had a single mastectomy done on my right breast on 7/14/21 followed by a DIEP Flap procedure on 7/30/21 and I feel good. The DIEP flap was a personal choice for me. I am very happy with the outcome but I also had amazing surgeons at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia. After my surgery, I found it had not spread to the nodes, thank God, and they were able to downgrade to stage 1. I’m still waiting on the Oncotype number to see if I need chemo. If less than 25 I won’t.”

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“I think the first time it hit me and felt real is when I felt the lump myself in the shower. That was the first time I broke down and cried. I had not been doing monthly self-breast exams like I should have,” she continued.

Conrad went on to encourage others to check themselves routinely to avoid any unwelcome surprises.

“The reason I decided to post this was that I was lucky that it was caught early. And to remind everyone not to put off your mammograms and do your monthly breast exams. Set a monthly alarm if needed. Even men, who can also get breast cancer. Early detection will make the world of difference and give you a better fighting chance.”

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