Mamas Uncut

John Legend And Chrissy Teigen Give First Joint Interview Since Pregnancy Loss

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend gave their first joint interview just weeks after losing their son.

“I definitely give myself permission to have complete and utter grief,” Teigen told Michael Strahan in the Nov. 24 episode of Good Morning America. “Every day is so different. So when people ask me how I’m doing, I always say, ‘I’m OK today.'”

John Legend And Chrissy Teigen Give Discuss Pregnancy Loss
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Late in September, the couple announced how they lost their son Jack 20 weeks into the pregnancy. “I didn’t know that we could experience this grief and also share it,” Legend said.

“But when we did, it really meant so much to so many people and it was such a powerful experience for me to learn that. And I’m just grateful that my wife was courageous enough to do it.”

Early on, Teigen received thousands of letters from fans. 

“Obviously it’s so painful to go through something like this as a woman, something that was inside your body that you were nurturing and taking care of,” Teigen continued, “but, obviously, there’s a father involved. And the support for the both of us has just been so beautiful, so incredible.”

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But not everyone was onboard with Teigen posting the raw photos of the couple’s loss. However, it did not sway her stance in the least.

“I don’t care if you were offended or disgusted,” she said. “I understand it can be that way for people. It’s designed for the people that were hurting. And John was very uncomfortable taking them.”

But he was by her side despite the difficulties of the situation.

“She felt like, really, that one of the ways we would carry on Jack’s memory was to take pictures of that moment,” the Legend added. “I was, like, worried. I was like, ‘I don’t want to, like, commemorate this pain.’ But the crazy thing about having a miscarriage is you don’t walk away with anything. You have this emptiness and we wanted to take the photos so that we had something to remember it by.” 

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But despite the negativity, Teigen has learned the “world is inherently good,” revealing she has experienced it. “As hard as it was, it is beautiful to see this side of it.”

And through the heartbreaking experience, the parents of Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, admit it has contributed to a stronger bond.

“I just know that I love my wife more than ever,” Legend said. “We’ve been through so many challenges together, and they’ve made us stronger. And I know that doesn’t always happen when people go through tragedy, but I feel like the challenges we’ve faced together have made us feel even more sure about who we are together as a couple and who we are as a family. And that when we commit to be together forever, we really hold that promise to heart and we take it seriously. And I feel like we’re stronger together than we’ve ever been.”

And throughout it all, their kids continue to bring joy in the midst of those tragedies. “We’ve always loved a very lively household. It might be more lively than ever these days,” Teigen said. “You don’t want to be stuck in bed when you hear the laughter downstairs. It helps so much.”

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