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Jinger Duggar Opens Up About Miscarriage in Emotional New Video

Jinger Duggar Opens Up About Miscarriage in Emotional New Video


Jinger Duggar Vuolo announced that she and husband Jeremy suffered a mortifying miscarriage last fall. Now, the Counting On star is sharing her emotional experience with fans. In a brand new clip, the mother tearfully details the tragedy and describes how her faith and husband helped get her through it.

The couple recently announced that they are pregnant again which must bring some solace. To get to that point, the couple has had to go through a lot of healing.

Jinger Dugger Vuolo recounts her tragic miscarriage. Watch below:

“Recently we had announced to my family the news that we were expecting,” explains Jinger in the clip. “That night, I started having some concerning signs. During the middle of the night, I started waking up and having more and more spotting and it was not normal.”

“We went in and they tried to check for a heartbeat, but they couldn’t find one,” she continues. “They did an ultrasound and said that we had lost the baby.”

“It was very difficult for us, the timing,” Jeremy describes in the clip. “It was sudden, and we had just announced to our family and it hit us hard.”

The couple shares two-year-old Felicity who is featured in the B-roll for the clip.

RELATED: Jinger Duggar Vuolo Reveals She’s Pregnant With Baby Number Two After Experiencing a Miscarriage Last Fall

“Since the miscarriage, I have started to recover… feeling better,” the mother says. “Some days I think it’s just more emotionally hard than others, but God has really given me help and grace through this time.”

“Not having walked through this before, but talking to others who have walked through it, I think the woman can definitely take it harder,” Jeremy explains that he learned women take miscarriages hard. Which is a thing this adult male who already has a child finally put together? Okay.

“For the sense, that she was carrying that life within her and she was sustaining that life physically,” Jeremy continues putting the pieces together. “So, as difficult as it was for me, I was just thinking it has to be that much more difficult for Jinger. Yeah, I cried and sat with her but I just wanted to be a comfort to her.”

“Jeremy has been so sweet throughout all of this,” the reality star says. “He has taken a lot of responsibility. And, he’s taken Felicity for me so that I can relax and rest and recover.”

We’re glad Jeremy has taken some responsibility so that Jinger could recover. How thoughtful of him. The pair has a light at the end of the tunnel as her current pregnancy progresses.

RELATED: Watch Jinger Duggar Reveals Surprise Pregnancy to Family in Charming New Video

“We are so excited,” Jinger told People about her pregnancy. “Felicity is going to have to have a sister. Everything looks great with the baby. We’re so thankful. Had a lot of check-ups and we’re just really, really excited.”

It’s so important for mothers to share their miscarriage stories to help remove the stigma around it and uplift others who are experiencing the same thing. Feelings of guilt and inadequacy often accompany a miscarriage and it can be an extremely trying time. We’re glad both Jinger and Jeremy are speaking out.

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