Mamas Uncut

Jimmy Carter Shares His Secrets After 75 Years Of Marriage To Rosalynn

In an interview with Good Morning America this week, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn reveal their tips on marriage after 75 years. And you’ll never guess what their number one piece of advice is!

Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn give each other plenty of space.

Jimmy Carter Shares His Secrets After 75 Years Of Marriage To Rosalynn
Kathy Hutchins /

Jimmy and Rosalynn made sure to let everyone know their number one piece of advice on lasting as long as they have; space. President Carter explained, “We’ve survived this long together because first of all, we give each other plenty of space to do our own thing.” However, they also make sure to enjoy the time they do spend together, as they “share as much as [they] possibly can,” including fly fishing. They travel the world fishing and it is “a major part of [their] recreation,” the couple admits.

Rosalynn continued in a bit more depth, explaining how the couple spends their time together. She said, “We’re always looking to do things or find things we can do together, like fly fishing and bird watching and just going out to the pond, catch a fish.” They also read the Bible together every night as a point of connection even across many miles.

ChameleonsEye /

Former President Jimmy Carter explained, “When I’m overseas and Rose is at home, we know we’re reading the same biblical text, and even though we’re separated physically, it makes us think about the same scripture and admonition from God, direction from God before we go to sleep. So it helps a lot.

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Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter are planning a lovely anniversary party.

Joseph Sohm /

But most of all, the key to being the longest-standing presidential couple is that Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn have “always gone deeper in our love for one another,” according to the former President. He thinks their connection is “extraordinary” and their longevity in love “doesn’t happen to very many couples, but it certainly happened to us.”

In a conversation with People in May, their grandson, Jason Carter spilled the deets about the 75th-anniversary party. It’s going to be taking place in their hometown of Plains, Georgia, and it’s a “big party … with a lot of their friends from over the years.” Jason is very proud of his grandparents for reaching such an incredible occasion, saying, “The number of things that have to go right in your life to have the 75th anniversary, it’s a truly incredible milestone.”

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