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Jimmie Allen Tweets His Support Of Paying Teachers More: ‘They Are Educating Our Children And Future Leaders’

Jimmie Allen Tweets His Support Of Paying Teachers More: 'They Are Educating Our Children And Future Leaders'

Image via Shutterstock

Jimmie Allen is speaking out about the treatment of teachers in the US.

“Teachers need to get paid more. They are overworked and underpaid,” he said.

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“They are educating our children and future leaders. They have all these educational requirements they have to achieve. Teachers go to college and some collect a lot of debt just to get out and be underpaid.”

He then went on to ask why school starts “so early,” tweeting that it would be easier for everyone if the school day ran “from 9:30-4:30.”

To which users shared their own thoughts on the subject.

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One user said: “I have been preaching this for 45 years!!! It is ridiculous.people screaming 15 dollars for minimal wage. By the time teachers buy all they need and all your child needs. And, they get to school early and leave late!!!and their day is still not done they do not make15$HR.”

Followed by: “I agree 100000%! People say they knew what they were getting into when they became Teachers. I say BS! IF NOT for Teachers where would any of us be???? The stress and abuse they endure is beyond imaginable for most. STAND UP FOR OUR TEACHERS!”

Allen then concluded with: “I also do not understand the purpose of homework,” he said.

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Comments continued to pour in regarding the overall quality of how we take are of our teachers, and many were grateful how Allen was using his platform to spread awareness.

“Thank you, Jimmie. This teacher really appreciates it. And for many of us who teach in non-public schools, our salaries are even lower. While it’s my choice to teach in a school where I can teach the Word of God, I still teach all of the other curriculum.”

“I’m a janitor in a middle school in Ohio. I totally agree that teachers should be paid more and more benefits too. I hear all the time what the state requires of them, school district too. These kids here have so many problems from home life, peer pressure, etc.”

“Agreed. I work in schools in the Northeast and we may get paid more but still scraping by given the higher state taxes & housing expenses- its all relative and bottom line is school employees are not paid what their worth and are then also treated accordingly unfortunately.”

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