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Jim Bob Duggar’s Dream of Becoming a State Senator Comes to an End as Son-In-Law Slams Him

Jim Bob Duggar’s Dream of Becoming a State Senator Comes to an End as Son-In-Law Slams Him

In the days following Josh Duggar’s guilty verdict, his father’s political aspirations were cut short. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Josh was found guilty by a 12-person jury of downloading and possessing child pornography last week.

Jim Bob Duggar announced his decision to run for the open senate seat in October despite the turmoil his family has been in. It was revealed during the trial that Jim Bob was very much aware of his son’s actions as a teenager when he molested at least four girls, some of who were his own sisters.

In a statement of defeat, Jim Bob Duggar thanked the 15-percent of voters who voted for him. “I want to thank those of you who voted for me, volunteered, contributed, and supported me in my race for Arkansas State Senate District 7,” the father of 19 wrote on Facebook. 

“Whoever wins the Republican primary will have my support and prayer for victory as he faces a Democrat opponent on February 8. Above all, I am thankful to God for His love and kindness toward us, and pray He will cause His face to shine on our state and nation.”

Derick Dillard Slams Father-In-Law Jim Bob Duggar

Around the same time as his defeat his son-in-law, Derick Dillard took to the Facebook comment section to let people know how he really feels about Jim Bob Duggar. And let’s just say Dillard did NOT hold back.

RELATED: ‘The Raw Facts’: Jana Duggar Shares Exactly What Happened the Lead to Her Receiving a Citation

“It’s sad that this isn’t an isolated incident,” Dillard’s comment began, seemingly addressing Jim Bob’s role in Josh’s constant wrongdoings. “I used to have much respect for Jim Bob, as my father-in-law, and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for years. Unfortunately, it’s only become clearer to us over time just how deep this man’s manipulation and deceit will go for his own gain, at the expense of others.”

As Jill’s husband continued, he admitted that Jim Bob has lied to him and Jill “numerous times.” Dillard even attacked the platforms Jim Bob was running on, saying, “contrary to his campaign, he does not believe in freedom, but his manipulation has resulted in what is akin to human trafficking.” Dang!

“When confronted privately, he is not humble, but he is defensive and verbally abusive. When he says he cannot be bought, the truth is that he has a history of being a sellout to anything that he can personally profit from, and he will justify it however he wants to continue his personal agenda. Again, if he has lied and continues to ie to his best friends and his own family, will he LIE to YOU?”

Derick’s cousin-in-law, Amy King, shared his comments on her Instagram story, saying how proud she is of Derick and calling him a “man with integrity.” Amy has also been very outspoken against certain family members and their abhorrent actions.

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