Mamas Uncut

Jill Duggar Dillard and Husband Derick Are the First to Issue a Statement After Josh Duggar Is Sentenced to More Than 12 Years in Prison


As Mamas Uncut previously reported, nearly six months after being found guilty of possessing and downloading child pornography, Josh Duggar received a more than 12 year sentence for his crimes. While his wife of 14 years Anna Duggar and his father Jim Bob reportedly had no reaction to his sentence, his sister Jill Duggar Dillard is reacting.

While Jill wasn’t in the courtroom at the time the sentence was read, she and her husband, Derick Dillard have issued a statement on their official website. “Yesterday we learned that Josh was given a 151-month sentence in federal prison for his crime of CSAM,” the statement began. 

Jill Duggar Dillard and Husband Derick Are the First to Issue a Statement After Josh Duggar Is Sentenced to More Than 12 Years in Prison

RELATED: After Being Found Guilty of Downloading and Possessing Child Pornography, Josh Duggar Learns His Fate at Sentencing Hearing

“The last several weeks and months have been difficult emotionally. Yesterday was another one of those hard days. We are neither rejoicing nor disappointed by the sentence, but we are thankful it’s finally over. The Bible clearly states that God effects justice and vengeance through the governing authorities. Though some believe Josh should have received a greater sentence and still fewer believe he should have received a lighter sentence, God has carried out his vengeance today for his unspeakable criminal activity.”

Jill Duggar Dillard and Husband Derek Are the First to Issue a Statement After Josh Duggar Is Sentenced to More Than 12 Years in Prison

As it has been reported, while Josh wasn’t on trial for his actions as a teenager, Jill was allegedly one of the sisters Josh molested when he was younger. Jill seemingly alluded to his past and present behaviors as the statement continued.

“Until now, he has yet to be held accountable to the extent necessary to cause change in his dangerous pattern of behavior,” the statement read. “It is unfortunate, but it seems that it may take spending over a decade in federal prison, and still more on probation, for Josh to have any potential for rehabilitation to the point he can safely live in society again.”

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Josh will serve his time in his home state of Arkansas or in a prison located in Seagoville, Texas. According to Judge Timothy L. Brooks, he believes Josh should attend sex offender treatment, and Seagoville, Texas is known for its in-prison program.

However, at the time of his sentencing, it remained unclear if there was room for Josh in Seagoville. As Jill and Derick shared in their statement, they hope Josh will choose therapy.

“Hopefully, Josh can actually begin to get treatment and begin to work toward a lifestyle where he is less likely to re-offend. If for nothing else, the notoriety of this case has hopefully contributed to the deterrence of potential offenders and will help protect children by decreasing the demand for CSAM. We continue to love Josh and his family and will be there for them however we can.”

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