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Jill Duggar Dillard Tells Followers Her Dog Is ‘Totally Fine’ After Feeding Her Her Old Breast Milk

Jill Duggar Dillard Tells Followers Her Dog Is 'Totally Fine' After Feeding Her Her Old Breast Milk

After having a “teeny bottle” of leftover breast milk in her freezer for a “couple of years now,” Jill Duggar Dillard is now revealing what she’s doing will it. 

In an Instagram post, Jill revealed that her 3-year-old son, Samuel, got curious about the breast milk she still had in the freezer. He went on to ask his mom if he could try it.

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According to Jill, Samuel didn’t enjoy the breast milk very much. However, instead of just throwing away the now, unthawed breast milk, she gave it to their family dog.

“I’ve had my last teeny bottle of breast milk in the freezer for nearly a couple of years now,” Jill wrote on Instagram. “Both my boys stopped breastfeeding around 2 years old and Sam is almost 4 now! I know I know, it’s probably a freezer-burnt nutrition-less substance now.”

After sharing a photo of their dog drinking a bowl of her breast milk, Jill quipped, “Needless to say, now all three of my children have now had breast milk.” However, she quickly made sure to let her followers know that they need to chill.

“Also, before any of you jump on me for feeding it to the dog, she’s fine. She’s totally fine,” Jill wrote. “I wouldn’t have given it to her if i thought it would make her sick. So just chill mkay?!”

Jill also joked that “whoever coined the phrase, ‘no use crying over spilled milk,’ certainly never pumped!”

Her followers were quick to support her, saying things like, “She’ll be the healthiest dog on the block.” And, “This! Dogs eat poo and who knows what else… I wouldn’t worry if someone gets on you for giving it to your dog! He’s your baby too!”

And other commenters admitted that they too have years-old breast milk in their freezers as well. It’s true what they say, liquid gold is hard to part ways with.

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