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Jill Duggar Reveals She And Husband Use Birth Control and Have Friends in the LGBTQ+ Community

Jill Duggar Reveals She And Husband Use Birth Control and Have Friends in the LGBTQ+ Community


Jill Duggar Dillard has been sharing more of her personal life with fans lately and her newest admission is probably going to make Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar‘s heads spin. The former Counting On star was joined by her husband Derick Dillard in a Q&A video which was posted on YouTube earlier in the week.

The couple engaged in an honest and frank conversation that turned personal at times. The very first question led them to reveal that they use non-hormonal birth control.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard explained that there are uses for hormonal birth control, but that non-hormonal is their preferred choice.

YouTube / Dillard Family Official

″We use birth control, but we prefer to use non-hormonal birth control methods because we don’t want to use anything that could potentially cause an abortion,″ Jill said in the video. ″I think there are probably uses for hormonal birth control for like regulating things and stuff like that, but for us, we just want to be careful about that.″

Jill and Derick share two children Samuel, 3, and Israel, 5. The couple has been married since 2014.

The couple explained that they want more kids, but now isn’t the right time for that.

″We’re more natural-minded and sometimes there can be more longer lasting effects from hormonal birth control and stuff like that so we just steer clear of those,″ she added. ″Eventually we want to have more kids and stuff, lord willing, so we don’t want to mess too much with all of that and potentially cause problems.″

″We’ll probably stop using birth control whenever we want to get pregnant,” Derick deadpanned without a hint of irony.

Jill’s decision to use non-hormonal contraception might come as a surprise to fans. Many of them first met Jill on the reality snoozer 19 Kids and Counting which loosely documented Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their horde of children.

In addition to pushing an agenda that most would consider outdated, the show documented the conservative Arkansas family who enforced a strict dress code and bizarre courtship rules for their daughters.

Following 19 Kids and Counting‘s cancellation which was precipitated by a scandal, some of the other Duggar children boarded a new reality series entitled Counting On.

The Dillards were briefly a part of Counting On a spinoff of 19 Kids and Counting but ended up parting ways with the show three years ago.

The move seems to have liberated the couple to live life on their own terms. They’ve shared their stances on all sorts of “taboo” topics like their recent decision to drink alcoholic beverages. Truly gripping stuff!

The couple also shared that they have friendships with ‘non-Christians’ and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

In this week’s video, the couple also said they had friends in the LGBTQ+ community. Derick jumped headfirst into the answer by saying that they did have “non-Christian” friends and LGBTQ+ friends. “I think it’s a misconception that just because you disagree with someone that you can’t be friends,” he said. He then goes on to compare those relationships to the friendship of late Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia, who were friends that disagreed politically.

“Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean you can’t be respectful and still be friends,” Jill added. “You don’t have to have one-topic friendships.”

“I think that as Christians we believe that certain things are sinful like adultery, cheating on your spouse or something, sex before marriage, homosexuality, those are things that we believe are sinful,” Jill said as she looked to her husband for help.

“Stealing, lying, murder…” Derick lists off (unintentionally or not he compared homosexuality to murder). Later, he used the hypothetical of spending time with someone who is trans. He said that he would “use whatever pronoun they want me to.”

The pair were asked if they wanted more kids, even though they already covered it. They were sure to answer in the affirmative once more. However, they conceded that they didn’t see themselves having as many kids as Jill’s parents have.

″Yes, like Derick said, we would love more kids if God chooses to give us more. And secondly, how many? I don’t know. I don’t know that we have a number. Probably not 20 kids,″ said Jill.

Adopting a child is also a possibility that is near and dear to Jill and Derick’s hearts.

″But again, we’re not going to rule anything out. If God has us run an orphanage or something, then maybe we’d have more than that! I don’t know,″ said Jill. ″So we’ll see. Derick’s mom was adopted, so adoption’s always had like a place in our heart, a special place in our heart. But we’ll see. We’re not saying no, never or anything yet.”

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It’s pretty clear that Jill is going her own way, not completely identical to the faith of her parents, but closely adjacent. We’re happy to see this couple sound more like they’ve arrived in the same century as the rest of us, but they could still expand their horizons further.

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