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Jessica Simpson Shares New Photo of Birdie Mae, Subtly Hits Back at Angry Commenters

Jessica Simpson Shares New Photos of Birdie Mae

Jessica Simpson shares new photos of Birdie Mae, claps back at haters in the comments.

Jessica Simpson and her youngest child, one-month-and-a-half-year-old Birdie Mae, are back on the Instagram with a new photo, looking cute and hitting back at the haters.

After sharing the first photos of Birdie Mae last week, Simpson was apparently inundated with comments from angry users asking why Birdie was photographed sleeping on her stomach.

Because as we’ve discussed, no one ever goes easy on moms, particularly famous moms, and particularly on social media. Someone is always judging, commenting, and/or stirring the pot just for fun.

Calm and collected as ever, Simpson simply posted a new photo of her daughter with a clarifying caption: “I like to pose on my belly, but I love to sleep on my back #BIRDIEMAE.” See the posts below:

An important sidenote: THOSE! CHEEKS!

Simpson also posted this adorable photo over the weekend. And though it isn’t particularly relevant to this story, it still feels like it’s worth sharing because OMG THOSE CHEEKS:

So that’s settled, right? Simpson, who is no stranger to the motherhood rodeo, obviously does not put baby Birdie to sleep on her back. She knows what she’s doing, so let’s let her live her life, yeah?

In fact, Simpson also posted a photo of her oldest child, seven-year-old Maxwell, over the weekend:

(Isn’t it incredible how much she looks like her mom?!)

But the point is: Simpson has been a mom for more than seven years. She’s raised a seven-year-old and a five-year-old (Ace Knute). Her kids are happy, healthy, and thriving. So perhaps we should all think twice before we criticize her parenting skills.

In the end, though, it’s hard to complain about getting new pictures of baby Birdie Mae. She is just the most precious, fat-cheeked little angel!

More Birdie Mae pictures, please, Jessica!

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