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Jesse Watters Receives Some Advice From His Mother, Anne Purvis, While Taping First Show: “Use Your Voice Responsibly”

Jesse Watters Receives Some Advice From His Mother, Anne Purvis, While Taping First Show: “Use Your Voice Responsibly”

via Shutterstock (Leonard Zhukovsky)

On July 17, Jesse Watters Primetime and its host – Jesse Watters – made their debut at the 8 p.m. time slot on Fox News. He averaged 2.5 million viewers during that hour, which was nearly 900,000 more than the series of replacement hosts who came before him in June – a much-needed boost for the network. 

While his numbers were impressive, they didn’t quite meet the standard that was left by Tucker Carlson – who used to fill the 8 p.m. time slot with his hit show Tucker Carlson Tonight. Carlson was ousted on April 24 and the network had several people fill in as temporary replacements before settling on Jesse Watters.

Of the 2.5 million viewers who tuned in on July 17, one viewer is going viral for her little rant after calling in to the show. Her name is Anne Purvis – a child psychologist who just so happens to be Jesse Watters’ mother. And while she was proud of her son’s achievement, she had to get a few things off her chest. 

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“Congratulations honey bun. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. And you’ve worked so hard,” his mother (a noted Democrat) said before giving him advice on how to keep his new job – like the mother she is. “Now, let’s aim to have you keep your job and to that end, I do have some suggestions.”

She asked her son to not ‘tumble into any conspiracy rabbit holes’ – adding she ‘does not want to lose’ him and wants ‘no lawsuits.’ She wants him to ‘use [his] voice responsibly’ and in a way that ‘promote[s] conversation that maintains a narrative thread’ – while also pleading for an end to the ‘Biden-bashing.’

“Perhaps you could suggest that your people take less interest, for example, in other people’s bodies, and talk about that,” she continued before concluding her message with an ‘I love you’ and one more piece of advice – eating a small dinner between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. before he gets ready for his new time slot.  

Throughout the entirety of the segment, Jesse looked like every embarrassed kid who has ever gotten scolded by his mother in public, in front of friends, or anywhere for that matter. He nervously laughed on numerous occasions and it made for a hilarious interaction that is sure to help boost future ratings.

This Isn’t the First Time We’ve Heard From Jesse Watters’ Mother

Something tells me this isn’t the last time we’ll be seeing or hearing from Jesse Watters’ mother on his show – it’s certainly not the first time. While working as a co-host of The Five, Watters had a segment called ‘Mom Texts,’ where he would read real texts his liberal mother had sent him during the show. 

Before it became a segment, Watters would read the texts to his co-hosts. “Please pronounce your ‘ings.’ The word is ‘putting’ not ‘puttin.’ Peekin’? Restockin’?” his mother texted in 2017. In a separate text, she scolded him for ‘screaming at Juan’ and asked him to ‘tone it down’ – calling his behavior disrespectful. 

Some of her text messages are random – “Did you dye your eyebrows black?” she once wrote. Some of them are political – “Oh my goodness! And you actually believe Trump is not divisive!!!” she wrote. And some are more thoughtful – “Remember, confidence is silent and insecurity is loud,” she once wrote. 

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Jesse Watters Primetime, which used to fill the 7 p.m. time slot for Fox News, has now taken over the 8 p.m. time slot – you’ll have to wait an extra hour from what you’re used to, but the show is just as good as it was before. It might not be the controversial and viral show it was with Tucker Carlson, but that’s okay.

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